Thread: Nc3!!!!

  1. #466
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    Time and time again we hear one comment from one person and then, some other comment from another...matter of fact... does our forum chat from our game commanders (and some others) seem to duplicate the NC Faction fighting and the American Government type of politics flavored with, a Machiavellian atmosphere?

    Figuratively speaking...; Our date (NC) for years has been letting us cop a feel every now and then, whispering sweet nothings into my ears, sometimes letting me get to 3rd base and, I (we) have been accepting that she (NC) desires us thinking...: "Some day she will love me back, I just know she will!".

    The truth is that we still have not had a home run since the time of our wedding night (the day we submitted after the trial period and paid our fee to continue our Bewitched behavior thus; becoming infatuated with NC).

    We wondered if the Strippers and Hookers in Pepper Park were real or fantasy. We wondered if Pimp development team had them first or were we their only desire.

    As we all know, all good pimps have a taste of the goods before selling to the public. What have our desires led us (the community) to?

    Older now, I question this relationship between the women (NC), I love and myself. She must be hiding the family conflict from me or, she has captured my spirit like so many others and intends on using it as a marketing tool to raise the sale price of our soul's. What mystery lye's before our brow of woe?

    Back to reality (Above: Just wanted to be creative in the way things seem)...
    We may not like these YEARS of idea input, getting asked what is it we like about NC, what would we do, what do we want, etc..etc.. It would be nice to have a chat, drink, eat and some good conversation that would hash all this out; and bring the P-Park models with you you little devils). Kirt doing jello shots, Chenoa & Snowcrash telling us that none of us could kick their ass in PvP, Hooder & Nidhogg pointing out that the PPark girls were their idea. What a day that would be.

    I know this is not going to happen but, it is a nice thought to sum up my point...

    Hostility as well as being run in circles is non-productive and negative on this forum. Obviously this forum still exists and NC is still on for some positive intentional reason or because of some forceful obligation due to contracts.

    If it is PURE charity then you should just tell us. If it is then I will be the first to say thank-you for keeping NC on, It was and is a ride I will always remember. Should I build my own MMO some day it will carry NC somewhere I am sure.

    If it is not charity and there is a REAL future then, organize the contributions from your extended public staff. Let us start the storyline, create a private development section and let's begin to build.

    Why waste the talent you have out here, innovation on this market is needed. If NC is going to be put to sleep then why not use a creative development approach. Community developed MMO, sell shares, share profit (ouch you don't like that idea) then issue out job's for set fees and give credit. Hire some Indian programmers


  2. #467
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    Wow, you are right E.Y.E is very similar to NC in feel and other things.

    Edit (add comment): No Shi* This has allot of NC theory doesn't it?

    Funny they can make this and we are loosing NC.

    I bought it and am downloading E.Y.E now, PM me with you user name for multiplayer if you want.

    Saw Abe's Oddysee and the add on's, got that to. loved that game, funny to play.

    Last edited by JohnGalt; 14-08-11 at 22:42.

  3. #468
    aka Michael Dane Vid Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt
    Time and time again we hear one comment from one person and then, some other comment from another...matter of fact... does our forum chat from our game commanders (and some others) seem to duplicate the NC Faction fighting and the American Government type of politics flavored with, a Machiavellian atmosphere?

    Figuratively speaking...; Our date (NC) for years has been letting us cop a feel every now and then, whispering sweet nothings into my ears, sometimes letting me get to 3rd base and, I (we) have been accepting that she (NC) desires us thinking...: "Some day she will love me back, I just know she will!".

    The truth is that we still have not had a home run since the time of our wedding night (the day we submitted after the trial period and paid our fee to continue our Bewitched behavior thus; becoming infatuated with NC).

    We wondered if the Strippers and Hookers in Pepper Park were real or fantasy. We wondered if Pimp development team had them first or were we their only desire.

    As we all know, all good pimps have a taste of the goods before selling to the public. What have our desires led us (the community) to?

    Older now, I question this relationship between the women (NC), I love and myself. She must be hiding the family conflict from me or, she has captured my spirit like so many others and intends on using it as a marketing tool to raise the sale price of our soul's. What mystery lye's before our brow of woe?

    Back to reality (Above: Just wanted to be creative in the way things seem)...
    We may not like these YEARS of idea input, getting asked what is it we like about NC, what would we do, what do we want, etc..etc.. It would be nice to have a chat, drink, eat and some good conversation that would hash all this out; and bring the P-Park models with you you little devils). Kirt doing jello shots, Chenoa & Snowcrash telling us that none of us could kick their ass in PvP, Hooder & Nidhogg pointing out that the PPark girls were their idea. What a day that would be.

    I know this is not going to happen but, it is a nice thought to sum up my point...

    Hostility as well as being run in circles is non-productive and negative on this forum. Obviously this forum still exists and NC is still on for some positive intentional reason or because of some forceful obligation due to contracts.

    If it is PURE charity then you should just tell us. If it is then I will be the first to say thank-you for keeping NC on, It was and is a ride I will always remember. Should I build my own MMO some day it will carry NC somewhere I am sure.

    If it is not charity and there is a REAL future then, organize the contributions from your extended public staff. Let us start the storyline, create a private development section and let's begin to build.

    Why waste the talent you have out here, innovation on this market is needed. If NC is going to be put to sleep then why not use a creative development approach. Community developed MMO, sell shares, share profit (ouch you don't like that idea) then issue out job's for set fees and give credit. Hire some Indian programmers

    wut lol
    Achievement Unlocked: Beta 4 Runner

  4. #469
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    It was suppose to be funny (metaphoring) a date (NC being the woman) and then, getting back to some facts that keep getting said then denied then ignored then, concluding with non-hostile commentary and comments tossing in a few last unlikely thoughts that will never be considered.

    It is a deep non-sarcastic thought...

    Your "wut" sum's up the concept of the communication process between the players and the providers.

    BTW, that E.Y.E. ties in (and terms) some concepts of NC except construction.

    One player can ress discovered items and set a cost for having more or less scientists work on the research toward success, gain exp through fighting/hacking/PSI, level specific traits, cap them, and the play ain't bad. Not as smooth as NC but, interesting.

  5. #470
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
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    wasn't there a quote that was saying "NC was like and ex-girlfriend that you never stop seeing yet don't want to be with her" or something alike?

  6. #471


    Quote Originally Posted by Setlec
    wasn't there a quote that was saying "NC was like and ex-girlfriend that you never stop seeing yet don't want to be with her" or something alike?
    I dunno.

  7. #472


    ye it's in the Neocron is.... thread (stickied in this forum), but cba going through the thread to find the exact quote (search only gives the entire thread, not a single post)
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  8. #473
    Registered User Howler's Avatar
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    on the street, next to the bins


    Things I would like to see in Neocron 3:

    - Text size that increases with higher resolutions. I find myself squinting at the monitor now I am using higher resolutions these days.

    - NPC's that suggest hunting areas for your level or perhaps some kind of indication of the current danger level to you on the wastelands map. Finding the right mob to kill in neocron its self was not really a problem though.

    - Click the mouse wheel for auto run in the wastes. Then you can just direct which way your running by moving the mouse.

    - Epic quests for tradeskillers. Maybe something several tradeskillers could take part in for their faction. Something that would make a difference. Look how good our faction is doing compared to yours. Keep it fun though and does not need to be something that can be finished in 5 mins.

    - Passive monk without LE should be able to heal someone with and LE but not the other way around.

    - Copbots should be tougher than everyone. I see copbots shooting people in plaza 1 and doing no noticeable damage. They should at least be making them loose health and need to run away.

    - A looking for group button so you can find someone the same level as you, in your area, to team up with.

    - Factions are great but not everyone wants to be in a clan. It can be a bit of a time sinc for the casual player. How about also having some kind of op that anyone of the same faction could help hold. Could even be NPC monsters that attack it that way even LE players could join in. You could still have all the same pvp ops that are in it today as well. I'm not saying get rid of them

    - Boxes and bins are great idea and fun. Please keep them in.

  9. #474


    Quote Originally Posted by Setlec
    wasn't there a quote that was saying "NC was like and ex-girlfriend that you never stop seeing yet don't want to be with her" or something alike?
    Girlfriends come and go, but rares are in your safe slot

  10. #475
    Registered User Strife's Avatar
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    How close to actual Nc2 would you want NC3 to be?

    To me, I want the same feel and design as Neocron. I'd be happy with it being basically an updated reskinned version. New engine, physics, but the world is almost the same.

  11. #476


    I wouldn't mind if they took some liberties and reimagined and expanded some things. Especially the wasteland.
    I love Tech Haven, but it could definitely use some rethinking. As long as it keeps fairly close to the original.
    Neocron City is pretty much perfect as it is. At least some key places need to be remade completely true to the original. Plaza-1 for example. I love how everything in the city converges on the medicare, and it's not even a big deal. It's just like any other place, but it just happens to be the center of everything.

    Oh, and for gob's sake, keep the music! I know that it's really just bargain-bin, dime-a-dozen, ten-a-penny music, but it's absolutely fantastic for a game like this.
    More like this would be good, though.

    No more red vs. blue shit. You learned your lesson with this already, thankfully. Keep the faction alliances scattered. It's fine to mess around with it, though. That's part of the fun, as long as it doesn't get all polarized again.
    That means no Neocron vs. Japan V, and no Neocron vs. Irata XXVII! The idea of finally getting to see Japan or Irata would surely bring in a lot of "wow, we finally get to see it!", but the novelty will wear of quickly when it sucks so much

    PVE combat needs to be redesigned. The way it is now, mobs have way too much health. PVE needs to be "faster". A couple headshots and a mob around the same level as your character with a gun right for your level should kill it. However, it should be the same the other way around. A mob around your level should be able to take you out in a few successful hits.
    In my opinion, this would give the game a much better flow.

    I want to say that the PVP mechanics should be exactly the same as they are now (other than balance issues), but it might be possible to make it better. It's hard to say, because it's so fun as it is, but it's also very antiquated.

    The crafting system is genius as it is. Don't change it, except to make slots rarer.

    The skill system is also awesome. Don't change that much, except maybe in some way to accommodate for hybrids. I know that we can make them balanced, if we just try..

    Oh, and we definitely need to keep the non-instanced, persistent world.

    I want a server for hardcore, pvp-oriented gameplay. No LE. No safezones. No safeslot. Apartment cabs aren't locked. Faster XP. Belts aren't locked. Backpack drops. No loms. No faction switching. Belt drops in op zones. Full price to GR every time. You have to be grizzled to play in this server. You should have to have capped at least one character on a normal server before you are given access to it, so the noobs don't wander in like geese to the slaughter. (unless you're upgrading from NC2, then you get it unlocked by default) It should be called Youranus
    You could make this happen now, but I also want it in NC3. It wouldn't catch on right now anyways.

  12. #477
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flib

    I want a server for hardcore, pvp-oriented gameplay. No LE. No safezones. No safeslot. Apartment cabs aren't locked. Faster XP. Belts aren't locked. Backpack drops. No loms. No faction switching. Belt drops in op zones. Full price to GR every time. You have to be grizzled to play in this server. You should have to have capped at least one character on a normal server before you are given access to it, so the noobs don't wander in like geese to the slaughter. (unless you're upgrading from NC2, then you get it unlocked by default) It should be called Youranus
    You could make this happen now, but I also want it in NC3. It wouldn't catch on right now anyways.
    It didnt work. Its been tried and noone was up for it.

    Your other points I agree with but not some of your pve changes. I would rather see Pve be reset to its old NC1 values and go back to NC1 faction loyalties. Black Dragon I would give one less enemy however or make a few of the Neutral factions "fall out" with each other and become enemies.

    I would also like a proper clan war system. The ability to "red" an entire clan (even for a limited period - say 24 hours in any given 3-4 days for example) would change faction and clan politics and dynamics hugely and would give nc something no other game has.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strife
    How close to actual Nc2 would you want NC3 to be?

    To me, I want the same feel and design as Neocron. I'd be happy with it being basically an updated reskinned version. New engine, physics, but the world is almost the same.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  13. #478
    Pants Elric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim
    I would also like a proper clan war system. The ability to "red" an entire clan (even for a limited period - say 24 hours in any given 3-4 days for example) would change faction and clan politics and dynamics hugely and would give nc something no other game has.
    Eve Online had that and presumably still does. It actually worked REALLY well. The comparisons to 0.0 Space with player stations and the Wasteleands with Op ownership arent hard to see.
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  14. #479
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strife
    How close to actual Nc2 would you want NC3 to be?

    To me, I want the same feel and design as Neocron. I'd be happy with it being basically an updated reskinned version. New engine, physics, but the world is almost the same.
    are we just talking about the map? yes i can see that working nicely but it needs expanding. maybe other towns out there too and genreps and stuff as well as ops even houses out there.

    Neocron city maps need to be made readable. the nav ray was utter genius. who ever came up with that/stole it from somewhere deserved a medal.

    Expand on Mil base even revamp it. i think it could have a level for a proper training ground/barrack room and then lower down the command center and some nice plush offices or somethin.

    Pepper park even could use an extra zone. have it so pepper 1 is the first entrance you go to and then fork off in a kind of a Y shape and have the black dragon area and the tsunami area in there and maybe another zone in between as a kind of neutral turf come border line between the 2.

    Im thinkin of rio and the favelas the way you got the city then slums with a small gap if that helps anyone get where im comin from.

    finally i would say revamp the ops so they are more fortress like and again they have other functions for the holding clans. maybe make more uses of the underground for stuff even if it was just rp. an appartment in each one could be cool. like a clan app with a buzzer to get in so you can unlock the UG to friends coming in but then buzz em in to your private base.

    Finally. remove Soul light loss from fighting in appartments. lots of reasons why
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  15. #480
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
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    Doc, there is no gap between the city and the favelas.. I live in Rio and i know what i'm speaking of. it's a unique setup Rio, normally you would see slums in the periphery of the city but Rio has the slums/favelas inside the city itself. it's a peculiar geomorphology where the city was build.

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