1. #16


    lol, the fact that they are not even communicating for the past 4 months even though they said they would have a patch about a month ago, while it might be good to have hope of ever getting neocron 3, don't hold your breath, it will be years if ever
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  2. #17
    Tech Haven Network Brammers's Avatar
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    February 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Dru Blood
    I was hoping for something Official, ahh well who knows, maybe one day
    This is about as official as it gets for any news on NC3. Although any real news on NC3 will be years away, I wish KK would say something about the patch that was supposed to be appearing around this month. Instead KK are not saying anything.

  3. #18


    Although NC3 would be great, I doubt we will get the players come back, not without a huge advertising campaign. That being said the game's not too bad. Only real big problems are mob damage, serious bugs here and there and the hacks that are available to pretty much any new player to the game.

    If the hacks were stopped and the major bugs fixed then this game will be fine. All KK need to do is run the servers off the back of their new game, and I'm sure some people still pay for this? Voluntary donations that is.

  4. #19
    It Hurts - So Good Dru Blood's Avatar
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    I think eventualy it will happen, it's just a matter of time.

  5. #20
    NeoCrack Baby
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dru Blood
    I think eventualy it will happen, it's just a matter of time.
    Here's to hoping however that KK is not the one who makes it.
    ME=Grand Master Jedi PIMP

  6. #21


    kk fails the end. move on

  7. #22


    your here, im here, alot of people still here I would hardly call that fail, in fact i garuntee at least 60% of the people who still play would still be here if it was not free

    yea i could be pissed, but i save that negative energy for more important battles, like actually paying to play, having downtime and no comments about it.

    bitching about a patch however or lack of comments of one in my opinion is wasting time, and energy for several reasons

    chances are it wont fix the cheating, certain weapons and classes will remain fucked, content if added will either further unbalance things or just plain out be utterly worthless....or maybe it will fix everything and eradicate hacking/cheating

    one things for certain, yea i hate certain aspects of the game, I hate that I ALWAYS think when I lose the other person is cheating, i hate that people have created that thought process for me....but more importantly I realize that in the end, regardless of additions of patches, content, removal of hackers, there are genuine normal players, I do get at least what i think are fair fights(or Im just that freaking good baby) and it is just a game, a game that I play for free for at least the last year, a game where I can just log in "sometimes" for a fight and log out, a game where there are some people who if the game was gone i probably would never talk to them again, but I actually really like chattin it up ingame, so in my mind as long as im not paying anything out of my pocket they can do whatever the hell they want in my opinion :P

  8. #23


    I agree with extract, this game is currently free and whatever happens happens. If KK want to start charging for the game they will have to fix it, but as of right now we've got a good free game, a good community and some good OP fights.

    I hate that I ALWAYS think when I lose the other person is cheating
    never really thought of it until now, but I feel the same way. it's very frustrating since most people you just know are cheating but for legit players who actually have skill and can take someone down only to be branded a cheater straight away, I can only imagine how annoying that is.

    That being said it might be a laugh and probably helpful to some extent if we use the Broadcasting available now with Xfire. I've used it briefly but it seems like it would be handy in proving that you are not a cheater with a live show of you playing. Not to mention if Gm's happen to watch it and get a feel of what OP fights are like on a day to day basis, viewing it live (about 5 seconds delay from what I know). That also means no more frapsing and uploading uneditted 4gig videos ^^

  9. #24

  10. #25
    NC For Free!
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    Do you really think there could be a Neocron 3? I don't not with the type of service we get anymore.

    They left it to die and dry up.. Heck even the people making the emulators got tired of to many client side bugs and gave up lol..

    It's not just about that I wish KK would sell me Neocron for like a 1,000 bucks not even to own but to run my own server in say Canada.

    Why? I would advertise it every night and day I would even pay for advertising and I would have it as a 100% F2P game and it would end up on the front site of Major mmorpg sites.

    Maybe offer a small item mall for example full point resets without drugs and such nothing to crazy..

    A lot of things can be done without the source err Why the hell can I get my hands on the biggest MMORPG's but not the old dead ones.. Oh wait I guess that made no sense cuz their dead lol.

    Point is Neocron and Endless Ages I would have love to run a free server and or hell even pay KK lets say a certain percent if I make any at all It's a free game the point is to just have players.
    Let's Play Series Coming Soon:

  11. #26


    Dude, do you realize what Reakktor went through? They are fortunate to still be around!

  12. #27
    NC For Free!
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    August 2002
    Quebec, Canada


    Well I noticed they ruined BP forever its a cash shop game.
    Let's Play Series Coming Soon:

  13. #28


    hmm, free-to-play isn't bad as long as the cashshop items are just decorational (as in, no advantage over other gamers in direct fights)

    that said, neocron 3 free-to-play? :P
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  14. #29
    English Lead Moderator, Community Consultant Nidhogg's Avatar
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    March 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    Well I noticed they ruined BP forever its a cash shop game.
    Please do me a favour and reserve judgement on that until you know a bit more... That's all I ask. What have you got to lose?

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  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Biglines
    that said, neocron 3 free-to-play? :P
    Let's pray

    In all honesty I haven't kept up to date with BP, it looks like a good game but other than NC and WoW I don't have much time for other MMO's, I'm just wondering if you guys aren't charging by the month will the money you get from, what I presume is, buying in-game items for real money really be enough to keep the game running?

    It's a great undertaking and would give you a legendary status (at least to those who haven't tasted Neocron :P) in the MMO world if you can pull it off, so good luck with that

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