Thread: Neocron is....

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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Neocron is....

    Many of you will have heard that several MMORPGs have closed their doors in recent times. Just a few days ago another AAA title, Tabula Rasa, announced that it will be closing down soon.
    However, Neocron is still alive and has outlived many other MMORPGs. There has to be a reason for this and we'd like to know your thoughts.

    We would like to hear in your words why you think Neocron has withstood the test of time. What brings you back to play the game again and again after all these years? What is so special about Neocron compared to other MMORPGs?
    "Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias, as it fell, was, 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now."

  2. #2
    El Bartos Padawan Garfield's Avatar
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    its all about the sex(emote)
    oh and OP fights and pvp system
    you arent used to do quest over quest for lvling ect ect
    and at least the ppl am hangin out with
    Last edited by Garfield; 24-11-08 at 16:02.
    "I'm on the corner, wearing my leather. This dude comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
    I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

  3. #3
    Hybrids, Unite! Omnituens's Avatar
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    It's fairly unique - first person for a start.

    It has a VERY good tradeskilling system, which also levels up your character (not done by most MMO's). Yes it has a few flaws, but on the whole, better than most.

    Penalty for death is quite low compared to others (eve for example), but not as kind as others (wow). Its a good balance.

    Classes are both well defined, yet versatile. You dont need 9 classes, just 4 flexible ones.

    What is impeading Neocron? Lack of support, low population, bugs. I have spoken to alot of ex-croners since ive been back and most said "if it was NC1 I would come back". I agree with them, to a certain extent. I preferred the models, animations, rpos, stats and my monk from NC1. I feel like KK changed alot too quickly, and I was double hit as hybrid monks are now laughable - im lomming mine to be a poker for late night crys of "ZOMG 115 POKE PLZ"

    I have a list of improvements that I feel would generally improve the quality of the game. Is there anywhere I can send said list?

  4. #4
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    One has to suspect low costs play a part in it. At the time it closes, Tabula Rasa will probably still have a higher population than Neocron has for years. Yet while NC carries on, TR is shut down because of not enough players.

    Lack of answering to big corporate overlords who expect WoW-number players probably is a factor again. (spoilers for them: in an increasingly crowded marketplace, it is unlikley that any ONE game will again get that much of the marketplace.) Yes, 10T had work on a new game begun - but presumably they paid for htat to happen.

    Add on to that the fact that Neocron still has a lot more unique factors than any other MMORPG you could care to name:
    • A passable illusion of FPS combat
    • A profession-independent levelling system. Hell, a levelling and skill system with 5 completely independent stats all of which level seperatly and effect many differen things and alloctable skill points. Don't know any other MMO that even approaches this.
    • No instancing.
    • Complex faction relationship system.
    • Pretty comprehensive vehicle system
    • And so on

  5. #5

    Wink tbh

    For some reason the reason i never stop playing is because of the small comuntity so eveyone seems to now eveyone which is good.

    But the main things i liked is that

    the op fights are nothing like any others
    first person shooter
    the game is better to lvl on then other shit games like wow(QUEST WICH ARE SHIT)
    tbh i have played this game for many years now and evey time i play its never the same cuz of new poeple

    But the only problem i have is hackers they spoil the game at the mo but anyways its fun to play sammers cuz they dnt allways win and then there stright on ooc

    But anyways POWER TO NEOCON


    regards Beldaran
    Beldaran (apu)
    crazypsifookar (hybrid )
    crazybeld (tank)
    beldaranthespy (hacknet)
    cygnum (ppu)
    darkfury (pe)
    many more.......

  6. #6
    The Don sends his regards rob444's Avatar
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    Neocron.. The game's atmosphere is great. The music fits each zone in my opinion and gives you the little extra atmosphere of a sci-punk mmo.

    At a first glance, it seems like there's a lot to do in Neocron and there is, well sort of anyway , it makes Neocron huge for the first comer and there is much to learn.

    The PVP system is good where character stats plays a huge role unlike many other mmos! Outpost wars is one of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had in my life and I miss them A LOT. It was really fun to group up with several groups of people, make alliances with other clans and go to war and then eventually get backstabbed by your own so called allies . It would get anyone hooked to the game.

    There are a few trade skills in Neocron, so the game is also suitable for the trader kinda guy and those are needed .

    I've not played Neocron for years but I still hang out in this forum because I still have hope for Neocron. I don't play Neocron because of the low population (I'm here for the big op wars...) and yes I know I could raise the server population by one but I don't find the current state of Neocron appealing at the moment and that will make me not play the game so why should I bother wasting money if I don't play, seems pretty logical to me .

    Neocron has been and probably still is the best MMO (PVP & PVE) I've ever played and hopefully it'll get back on it's feet !

    Big thanks to Reakktor for giving me all the excitement Neocron has given me in my life.

  7. #7
    Veteran Castr0's Avatar
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    What always brings me back (I have been playing for 5 years now) is that you have to level your characters and there are plenty of stats you need to combine to make a good setup. Once you are high level (and actually, at any level), you have high range of weapons available and you can choose your one.
    The character setup you create will really influence the fights you will do against other players and that's also what I like. Moreover, there is a cap (which is not too hard to reach) and when you have reached it, you are ready to fight for good (WoC 1 makes a little difference but WoC 3 is not needed) and that's appreciable you don't have to spend years to capp 1 char, you can try the all specs and love them all.
    In fact, I love the setup your character + mmofps thing. (fight 1v1 or in teams)
    I could add things and I will but I don't have time right now ...

    Neocron power
    I behave as a signature

  8. #8


    The perfect mix of rpg and fps in pve and pvp is fantastic.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Because there aren't elves.

    And when I come across some newb out in the middle of the wastelands leveling on some 30/ really takes me back to some good times. It's nice to stop, help him out a little...give him some money, and then go about my way to let him experience things.
    u fucking w/me u fucking with a P.I.M.P

  10. #10
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    It's unique.

    No other game like neocron. It could be better if it were patched.....
    I’m going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.

  11. #11
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
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    NC is everything that the others games aren't like FUN, really PVP, very creative, Godly OLD and BUGGY! and most of my friends play this game... and tha atmosphere that this game brings to me is so much that there is no word to express my feeling...
    ==>Make new game engine re-do the skins and etc but keep the game system as it is might ask for the community in a poll what to add or not... cheers make the game to be opengl rendering! linux users will thank you! (starting by me!) Cheers
    Last edited by Setlec; 25-11-08 at 03:44.

  12. #12
    Banned User Sharper Blade's Avatar
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    Entertaining..You can pvp, go leveling, chat with buds in p1, explore the wastes, decorate an appy, trash talk, make a great setup and lord it over everyone that they should kneed down to you, There's always something to do as long as theres people playing.

  13. #13
    Live in Hope, Die in Sync Selendor's Avatar
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    I made a thread here back in 2005 asking the same question. Its interesting to read as the responses are very similar.

    It shows that Neocron's appeal is largely the same. The only changes are now the much lower population, caused by familiarity, low expectation of change, and many players getting too old and busy to play anymore!

    For what its worth, Op wars are what have kept me in the game since launch, I hope we get more people online over the holidays to get the op scene more active again.

  14. #14
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    First thing to my mind would be the atmosphere. It just feels right and a lot better compared to every other game i tried. Drugs, sex and danger just around every corner.

    Also the pvp, being one of the very few games where you actually need to aim and not just have to click buttons in the right order. I also like that while you do lose items on death, it's neither as harsh as for example eve nor without any real consequences like death in wow.

    The itemization is neat, getting stuff for pvp is challenging but never too hard. This actually is my biggest problem with most games these days. It always comes down to getting the latest and best items just to stay competitive. Too many items are a bad thing. At least if those give you an edge in pvp.

    The sex emote.


    The community. Even though i've actually never seen so many complete fucktards in one game, i also never again met so many cool people.

    Last but not least a (sadly too small) group of devs and mods and GMs and whatnot really caring about their game.

  15. #15
    Registered User Marx's Avatar
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    Neocron isn't a massively financed project with sky-high expectations (lord british, lol), as such it can carry on with a smaller playerbase. Tabula Rasa had lots of money pumped into design and advertisement and it didn't reach the desired target, instead of dumping more money into a project NCsoft canned it.

    Neocron is a comparitively small operation, that's the only reason it's still up and going - much like The Realm.

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