1. #1

    Default Autoupdater is stalled

    It just sits there near the end and won't finish. What should i do? I've restarted it a few times already.

  2. #2
    Watashi wa Neokuronjin
    Join Date
    June 2004
    Tokyo, Japan


    Are you using Vista ? Do you have admin rights ?

  3. #3


    If the problem is the one that I think Moustik and I are both thinking of, there are 2 solutions:
    1. Move your NC folder to your root directory
    2. Run as Administrator

  4. #4


    No i'm using Windows xp sp3. It just won't finish updating. It gets so close to the end too.

  5. #5
    Watashi wa Neokuronjin
    Join Date
    June 2004
    Tokyo, Japan


    Stupid question, but do you still have enough free space on your HDD, my brother had this problem

  6. #6


    No questions are stupid. And yes half of my hardrive is free space.

  7. #7
    Watashi wa Neokuronjin
    Join Date
    June 2004
    Tokyo, Japan


    mmmm, strange ...

    Don't know if this could cause your problem, but do you have a anti virus. Did you tried to disable your firewall ?

    I don't know if XP SP3 has this possibility (i guess yes), but did you tried to launch NC with admin rights and then update ?

  8. #8


    I'm going to assume that because you're trying to patch it, that this is the first time you've run Neocron on this computer.

    Where exactly does the updater stop? How does it stop? Does it freeze or give you an error or what? Does it stop before it finishes downloading the patch files or before it finishes applying the patches?

    If it doesn't finish downloading the patches, you could download them manually and place them in the patches folder.
    If it doesn't finish applying the patches, you might want to try deleting the patch files and redownloading them. It could be that it's corrupt.

    (Tip: the more details you provide us, the better we'll be able to help diagnose your problem)

  9. #9
    Registered User Riddle's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    TITAN - For now......


    As Flib said more detail is needed, does it hang on a specific Patch download number? which number does it get to? or is it on application of patches?

    Have you tried downloading them manually and dumping in Patch directory? can't remember the url as i'm at work, but it's in your updater ini. you want the NC2 retail patch location. or someone else will post it

    used to be an error around the 158 patch yonks ago,if my memory serves me correctly.

    Closed - Until Further Notice

  10. #10


    You can find the patch link from the downloads section of Neocron.com.
    Watch this, I'll do it! =D


    If you want, you can download all the files in one zip file from my server

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