1. #271


    On the plus side i've managed to teach myself how to use Perl to some extent this evening ...

  2. #272
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    NF, getting pwned.


    Quote Originally Posted by RAB
    I have a very good friend who is a barister who would have a field day with this. This is certainly something we are all entitled to.
    I love it when people say this. Good luck mush .

  3. #273
    Spermy made my hands messy :'( Asurmen Spec Op's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAB
    As tea bag said above and i have said before as i have a simular past of 10 yrs working in IT for banks, I have never known of an incident when any failure of any kind was not resolved inside of 24 hrs at the absolute most. I cant see why this is draging on so much.

    It is either a lack of financing and/or commitment there is no other excuse, plain and simple. Been there done that, I know what I say is true.

    Further to this, what will the compensation package be? We are all paying clients after all, and by no fault of our own we have been unable to do what we have all paid for.
    Without any shadow of a doubt we are entitled to this.
    At the very minimum we should all have our accounts extended for free for the amount of time the servers have been unavailible for.

    At the end of the day, if you rented a car for a month and was told that you couldn't drive it for a week of that month would you accept that?

    I would kindly and respectfully ask that a RK rep to address and confirm this please. Since this is the official forum for this game and IS monitored by official staff there is no excuse for missing this request.

    I have a very good friend who is a barister who would have a field day with this. This is certainly something we are all entitled to.
    Everytime there has been the slightest problem there are always these cries for 'compensation' I really don't understand why.

    Fucking relax people, jesus christ. I'd hate to be a KK employee who had to deal with this community.

    07-14-2008 14:13:43 > Snowcrash is just chilling with us cool people
    07-14-2008 14:13:43 > OOC> KK_Snowcrash : making asurmen drop his pants

    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Because you prefer it from behind?


  4. #274
    English Lead Moderator, Community Consultant Nidhogg's Avatar
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    March 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by landofcake
    On the plus side i've managed to teach myself how to use Perl to some extent this evening ...
    I'm working through Ruby. I even got some sun today!

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  5. #275
    Do-A-Dan danmalone's Avatar
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    December 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Character data has not been affected.

    Well thats some good news right there... Only other good news could be omf, servers back up... or sum new patch notes

    What other games are ppl playing while they wait? Mixture of battlefield 2 and WoW for me im afraid

    Quote Originally Posted by Danae View Post
    [00:07:39] the other guys are the tech wizards, i just find things :P i'm like google with boobs!
    Sig stolen from nEo-1664 + Danae I guess

  6. #276
    Canadian eh
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    September 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Character data has not been affected.

    I going to take a stab in the dark but I going to guess that server contained the database with all the master account info(Usernames, Passwords, Email Addresses and Payment History).

  7. #277


    Quote Originally Posted by danmalone
    What other games are ppl playing while they wait? Mixture of battlefield 2 and WoW for me im afraid

    Morrowind and Jade Empire here

    I have been reading the boards here and there and was wondering , with all the game freeks we have why they bitch about this one down...don't they have a backup one )

    If Morrowind disk breaks and cat eats the Jade empire disk...well hell i still got .//hack, champions at arms, morrowind PC, Jade Empire PC, untold legends 1 and 2, Romancing SaGa, Magna Carta, Okami, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Frequency, FablePools of Radience, Icewind Dale, Brave Story, Tales of the World, My Sega (nuff said), and if i get really desperate i have sims and harvest moon on 2-3 platforms :P YES!!! I R UH FREEK!

    Oh yah and if i absolutely HAVE to be online or I die...then there is always the game I used to GM for Rubies of Eventide... Moral of the story.....always have a backup game.

    (also have movies and seasons of things out the wazoo...japanese X52, House, Lost, 4400, Inuyasha, Kinshin, Cowboy Bebop, Robot Chicken, .//Hack...etc)


    aka Tyrasia', Tyrasia-, Tyrasia's, Tasugare, Ciarynn, Sobakasu, Cailynn, Usagi

    (Waves to Odin) Hi I remember you hehe good to see you're still here!
    Last edited by Tyrasia2; 25-05-08 at 05:24.

  8. #278


    Ive been playing Oblivion XD
    I feel pretty stupid for just having bought it, though.
    He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
    He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him.
    He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake him.
    He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man; follow him.

  9. #279


    day 5. the walls are starting to close in. i havent seen the sun in so long. im starting to get cold.

    uhh. bj penn pwns

  10. #280
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danmalone
    What other games are ppl playing while they wait? Mixture of battlefield 2 and WoW for me im afraid
    I've been playing on my wii, nearly completed the new(ish)Zelda game, which I got on Thursday :S That bastard's addictive. Been doing a foreigner for a local company too, playing on proxy servers and VPN, though they're not as fun.

  11. #281


    If you want an addictive game try Boom Blox on Wii: Gameplay Trailers suggest it to be pretty boring and not that innovative, but once you give it a try you suddenly find yourself having played for 6 hours in a run.But that's not what I'm playing. I dug up my System Shock 2 Discs since I needed at lest some cyberpunk this weekend.

  12. #282


    Quote Originally Posted by Asurmen Spec Op
    Everytime there has been the slightest problem there are always these cries for 'compensation' I really don't understand why.

    Fucking relax people, jesus christ. I'd hate to be a KK employee who had to deal with this community.
    That 's because when you pay for something in advance, and don't recieve all of what you paid for, you expect to be compensated. It's actually a pretty basic concept.

    BTW Chill on the language.

  13. #283
    Registered User Dont Mess's Avatar
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    do they work on weekends? i know its not going to be up today anyway !
    [ Signature removed for violation of the forum rules - Nidhogg ]

  14. #284
    Registered User RAB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asurmen Spec Op
    Everytime there has been the slightest problem there are always these cries for 'compensation' I really don't understand why.

    Fucking relax people, jesus christ. I'd hate to be a KK employee who had to deal with this community.
    I work hard to earn my money. Yeah ok a few hours down time here and there, I know it happens I accept that but days at a time! Why should someone else have my money for a service they aren't providing me?
    I'm not on their back saying fix it now fix it now !!!
    I am a little dissapointed as to how long it's taking, knowing that it 'can' be done quicker when need be.

    Like I said before, if yuo hired a car would you be happy if you couldnt use it for the time you'd paid for? I doubt it.

    You work out how much we all pay per day, I know not much, but multiply that by everyone who's paying, times the number of days the servers haven't been availible for us by no fault of our own.. thats money for nothing!

    If you're happy with that then fine. Good for you. You're a genrious person. Personally in these circumstanecs I expect to be re-inbursed for my hard earned or otherwise compensated. I am reasonable. I dont think asking for time missed to be added to membership is unfair - do you? It's unfair to expect us to accept this without compensation.

    There are lots of charities out there if you like giving your money away for no return. I'd be happy to take it off your hands!!

    ..and by the way. Support staff are paid to deal with the customer base. It's what they do! I would expect most of our moaning justified or not is water of a ducks back to them.
    Last edited by RAB; 25-05-08 at 14:23.
    Titan: Cronos (HC Tank) Newb | Cronos- (Rifle Spy +Poke)

  15. #285
    Registered User Zheo's Avatar
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    Viarossa as CM refuses to build officer quarters.

    Default Yes; That's It I'm Suing Reakktor

    I just wanted to let everyone know I am now suing Reakktor the reasons for this is as follows;

    Usually I ignore the TV and thus am immune to all of the horrible adverts that force viewers to purchase useless crap they don't need, like insurance, food etc.
    Since NC Died I have been forced to entertain myself in other ways, I chanced watching TV, blew over three grand on insurance and food, feel over and sued the local council for not maintaining the pavements, and won four thousand in compensation, I paid 45% tax on that compensation as well as 54% going to the lawyers who worked with me, leaving me with a mere 1%, this caused me to become very depressed and for the past two days I have been standing on a ledge thinking of ending my life until Neocron is restored. Because of this I sued the lawyers and the government for causing my depression and was awarded ten thousand pounds, all of which I kept.

    Now the problems started, I treated myself to a holiday in Brazil, there I was mugged, shot and stabbed. If that wasn't bad enough I was horribly burnt from the sun since I never usually leave the house I am as white as paper. Upon returning home I found my wife in bed with several other men, who mocked me when I called Crahn to smite them and then told them to wait while I go to the GoGu and retrieve my equilibrium of forces, I stumbled on the stairs and broke my ankle in the fall, found that my GoGu known to must RL people as a fridge only contained the hundreds of pounds worth of food I'd brought but no EOF. I then hobbled up the stairs with a combat knife I found on the side, but by that time the men and my wife where dressed and carrying her belongings down the stairs, at which point she declared she was divorcing me. I told her I would go to the login screen and delete her if she did, however I have so far been unable to find the login screen since Neocron went down.

    If all that wasn't bad enough I found my Rhino V 3.0 had turned into a Ford Focus in a shocking state of disrepair and I have no idea where my remote repair tool was/is or my nanites. The people at the hard ware store gave me a confused look and said they'd never heard of a remote repair tool or nanites, and suggested I try an asylum. I AM NOT A BUM!

    When I reached my house again my door buzzer failed to open the door, (Usually I am greeted by my wife at this point). I couldn't remember where I'd placed my apartment key and assumed it must be in my GoGu. After searching for days I finally came across a store that sold GoGu's and after a lengthy discussion with a sales-idiot I managed to convince him it was not a fridge and had them agree to plug it in so I could use it to gain my apartment key.
    Once open it appeared that the GoGu was now empty meaning yes another fucking roll back is in order, so I can get my food, weapons, pa and apartment key back.

    Lastly I was arrested for knifing a homeless bum! Who ever heard of that? He refused to eat the rat I killed for him and insulted me, there where no copbots around so I knifed the SOB! I've just gotten out for my time in jail which wasn't as bad as I remember, but I'm a lot older now and it hurts when I sit.


    So I'm suing you Reakktor! HA!

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