1. #211
    Banned User Tickles's Avatar
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    October 2002


    Yep i agree, the AK is definitely overpowered. It's like the xbow, both do more damage than they should, but they're not THAT bad. They piss me off a lot but you can setup against them. If the freq of both was toned down a bit, i would be happy.

    AK is worse than CS is my opinion.

  2. #212
    Banned User Glok's Avatar
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    I've been here before...


    Quote Originally Posted by Apocalypsox
    (I can nearly kill them as well with my TT epic though Thing is awesome, all HCPEs should use one)
    That gun is bugged I swear. Hoverbots run away from my hcpe! I feel like one of the old 118/112 uber hybrids from early NC1 with that gun.

  3. #213
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
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    October 2003


    I just wanna see the apu spells more powerfull, it's pretty hard to lvl by my own... and i really want to see new/old skins ingame.

  4. #214
    Registered User Zheo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apocalypsox
    My tank gets mowed down when i fight AKs, even with Viper King, poison armor and some good underwear. It really sucks!

    (I can nearly kill them as well with my TT epic though Thing is awesome, all HCPEs should use one)
    Well they do piercing damage too I have no trouble with cars so i dont think they are over powered tbh.

  5. #215


    Please Please Please kk, make hybrids viable. Atm they are really really bad.

    There are multiple posts on this but just a quick rundown of suggestions: (Not all ment to happen at once, just different ideas)

    -Remove Apu/PPU malus

    -Buff Apus (indirrectly boosts hybrids)

    -Increase effectivness of selfcasting the higher tl sheild on a hybrid, atm they are considered forign cast.

    -raise the resist cap on a hybrid from 75% to somthing higher depending on PPU points speced

    -Hybrid Powerarmor, Some APU and PPU

    -Boost effect of hybrid heals, atm tl 40 nanites outheal a hybrids selfcast blessed and even holy heals.

    Anyways, those are just a few quick ideas. Some are mine, some are not. Some are ment to work with others, some would work better standing alone. One thing that is clear though, is hybrids and APUs both need work. I say start small, tweak the numbers. If you do it slowly there is little risk and it should be relitivly easy to balance them.

    Oh yea, and fix melee while you're at it.

  6. #216


    Some more thoughts for the brainport:
    - Fix Melee, Add more Melee weapons, and some that do more damage...
    - Increase the viability of Hybrids.
    - Fix the missions for the incredibly hard to find mobs.
    - Improve the aim on rocket launchers.
    - Do something about the random blowing up of the observer prototype... I don't know how many times I've had them blow up on me. Good thing I have a resser and a conster, but still
    - Reduce the reliance on team based combat, since there seems to be few players, though scaling mobs difficulty to how many runners are in the area would be sweet...
    - More weapon, item and armour models (some of the early nc ones were sweet)
    I'm still here, Just my playtime is severely reduced... Freelance hacker for hire

    Quote Originally Posted by hell-demon
    Yeah, it's bullshit and chips!

  7. #217


    Quote Originally Posted by onero S
    Please Please Please kk, make hybrids viable. Atm they are really really bad.

    There are multiple posts on this but just a quick rundown of suggestions: (Not all ment to happen at once, just different ideas)

    -Remove Apu/PPU malus

    -Buff Apus (indirrectly boosts hybrids)

    -Increase effectivness of selfcasting the higher tl sheild on a hybrid, atm they are considered forign cast.

    -raise the resist cap on a hybrid from 75% to somthing higher depending on PPU points speced

    -Hybrid Powerarmor, Some APU and PPU

    -Boost effect of hybrid heals, atm tl 40 nanites outheal a hybrids selfcast blessed and even holy heals.

    Anyways, those are just a few quick ideas. Some are mine, some are not. Some are ment to work with others, some would work better standing alone. One thing that is clear though, is hybrids and APUs both need work. I say start small, tweak the numbers. If you do it slowly there is little risk and it should be relitivly easy to balance them.

    Oh yea, and fix melee while you're at it.
    Amen to that. Please do fix Hybrids. Hybrid PA is another good idea.
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  8. #218


    1) Fix charactermovement, damagecalculation and solidify objects so there's no more clipping or bouncing health. Rework all physics to include stray bullets that deal damage, instead of just bouncing off whatever they hit.

    2) Rework and optimize maps, so that the number of zonelines can be reduced.

    3) Rework the whole combat system from scratch, remove the target-boxes and give models a complete framework of damage-zones, just like every FPS today.

    4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

    5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

    6) Update the old world textures, all of them, to fit the new shiny playermodels.

    7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

    Extreme? Yes. Necessary?
    To be absolutely sure, you have to either know everything or nothing at all.

  9. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by Proxy
    1) Fix charactermovement, damagecalculation and solidify objects so there's no more clipping or bouncing health. Rework all physics to include stray bullets that deal damage, instead of just bouncing off whatever they hit.

    2) Rework and optimize maps, so that the number of zonelines can be reduced.

    3) Rework the whole combat system from scratch, remove the target-boxes and give models a complete framework of damage-zones, just like every FPS today.

    4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

    5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

    6) Update the old world textures, all of them, to fit the new shiny playermodels.

    7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

    Extreme? Yes. Necessary?
    Wow thats quite the list. While I agree with everything on there, some of the stuff is just not going to happen (or a least soon)

    4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

    5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

    7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

    Are all nice, also some sort of a clipping fix, though understandably I doubt KK has time for a full physics rework atm.

    The whole list is great, and we SHOULD see all these changes eventualy.

  10. #220


    Aye, it's very unlikely we'll ever see any of these changes, to be honest. That's why they call it a wishlist
    To be absolutely sure, you have to either know everything or nothing at all.

  11. #221


    Make NC free - has saved a few dying mmo's.

    Introduce a ingame shop, real money for mc5's, woc discs, woc pa's, slotted rares w/e.

    Watch the population go though the roof and u still make money.

    - still have to fix the netcode, apus and melee tho.

  12. #222
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2005


    Find a filter to stop people posting so much about current issues and actually SUGGEST NEW IDEAS to make nc great again.

    I swear about 30 people have said "fix apus or fix melee" in this thread.

    We go now to Barry Pepper reporting live for Neocron News Network (NNN) in Plaza 2 amidst a full scale riot outside Rocco's sea food diner...

    Studio host "So what can you tell us Barry?"

    Barry Pepper "Well it seems that since the year dot the people here have been campaigning for melee to get fixed and apus to have better damage. I had to fight my across the zoneline huggers to get an exclusive interview with one runner. He asked not to be named for legal reasons however, but when I spoke to his friends they all repeated the same mantra, parrot fashion. It SEEMS everybody wants melee and apu damage fixed and theyre making damned sure we know about it.... Back to the studio".

    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  13. #223


    I thought this thread wasnt just about ideas, it was about peoples wishes too. And it seems alot of people wish melee and apu were improved, personly I dont think apu is all that bad a class, it is still playable and there are still some very good people playing it. But melee is ridiculously underpowered its damage is laughable.

    One thing imho that would improve the game for all players, especialy noob characters trying to level, is simply improve the citycom mission screen. Only seeing 3 possible missions at a time is an absolute timewaste, especially seeing both tradeskill and combat missions, perhaps a tradeskill/combat filter would be usefull. BUt it would deffinately be usefull to display more than 3 missions per page.

  14. #224


    Its been almost 4 years since i posted this. Still would like to see something like this: http://forum.neocron.com/showthread....=treasure+hunt

    And scripting capabiliteis like we had with Mightys "ItemGFX". I know, ancient, but i loved to have logging capabilities for cabinets, and ways to connect to databases from inside neocron.

  15. #225


    [QUOTE=Reaction77 personly I dont think apu is all that bad a class, it is still playable and there are still some very good people playing it. But melee is ridiculously underpowered its damage is laughable.[/QUOTE]

    There are some people good at playing APUs, they generaly can beat bad players on other classes, put up an ok fight against normal players on other classes, and get rocked by people who are very good with other classes.

    Just because some people are very skilled doesn't mean a class is fixed or ok. APU have a disadvantadge in almost every situation, as far as I can tell there is no reason to play the class. Thats not balanced.

    As for your comment about citycoms, agreed, also, have somesort of NPC in faction HQs who will advise you on places you could be fighting depending on your lvl. So for instance if a /15 talked to him he might suggest the aggie cellers and tell you how to get there.

    It would also help noobs figure out how to lvl up without being quite so "lost".

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