'NSkill' Character Setup Utility - Alpha Version: 0.6.12 (07/01/08) - Page 7
  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Asurmen Spec Op
    Either document all these left/rightclick features, or make some others things, like for maxing a skill you could do what AG did and have a * for max
    Even tho i see this as an amazing idea, and been tellign steve from the start that it should be done, the problem is with so many controls on one interface can get messy.

  2. #92
    Tessier-Ashpool S.A. slith's Avatar
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    IMO it is messy already.
    Falk Keegan (jump!)

    » A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. «
    - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long

  3. #93
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Got some very detailed resists data tonight, but I need to double check it in a couple of places.

  4. #94
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slith
    IMO it is messy already.
    Try working with the damned thing in Visual Studio - there are so many controls on the thing, it's takes forever to render in the designer, and making changes to the UI takes forever

    Though really, that's not important; at the heart of the program, and the main reason for it existing are two classes:

    A Player class with all the attributes and (soon) methods needed to calculate all to do with that particular played. Aim of this is to get that working properly and totally de-couple it from the UI, then I'll release the code for it for other people to do with what they like.

    An Implant class (which really is badly named, it's an "Effect" class - armour, psi, shield, etc.) which can grab its data from anywhere.

    Once those two are up and running, we should have a good framework that allows anyone to make programs with it. Right now, that's the goal - not having a slick and sexy UI, though I started off with the best of intentions there

  5. #95
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Using bone implants somehow adds to all resist values. At least it changes the 2nd number (the one in brackets) without showing up any resists or armor anywhere else.

    If i put on a complete set of antigamma bones all resists show (1.45%)

    Changing backbones doesn't reset the agl bonus those give, they just keep adding up to the overall agl stat.
    Last edited by SorkZmok; 03-05-07 at 15:17.

  6. #96
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SorkZmok
    If i put on a complete set of antigamma bones all resists show (1.45%)

    Changing backbones doesn't reset the agl bonus those give, they just keep adding up to the overall agl stat.
    The headbone gives 5.18 resist psi, that's the lower number in brackets.

    Will sort out the spine bug, cheers!

  7. #97
    Registered User
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    there isnt any tank camo pa atm but i like wat ur doin, this skiller has made tweakin ma char a hell of alot easier
    "You're fat, and you look like you should be, but you're not."

  8. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by StevenJ
    Try working with the damned thing in Visual Studio - there are so many controls on the thing, it's takes forever to render in the designer, and making changes to the UI takes forever

    Though really, that's not important; at the heart of the program, and the main reason for it existing are two classes:

    A Player class with all the attributes and (soon) methods needed to calculate all to do with that particular played. Aim of this is to get that working properly and totally de-couple it from the UI, then I'll release the code for it for other people to do with what they like.

    An Implant class (which really is badly named, it's an "Effect" class - armour, psi, shield, etc.) which can grab its data from anywhere.

    Once those two are up and running, we should have a good framework that allows anyone to make programs with it. Right now, that's the goal - not having a slick and sexy UI, though I started off with the best of intentions there
    Not knowing how far you've come in developing the above mentioned classes etc. I'll just post the ideas I was fiddling with when I tried to develop my own skillmanager, using the XML files from Alphagremlin's skillmanager as starting point.

    The screenies should more or less give away the idea of the architecture, although it might be a bit overkill, but it was more a proof of concept...

    Skillmanager.Core assembly:

    Skillmanager.Data assembly:

    Hope it can serve as some kind of inspiration, if not then just disregard this post

  9. #99
    Tech Haven Network Brammers's Avatar
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    Interesting diagram. A little note for the Items Class, You may want to make the faction property a list, as some items can be found in more that one Faction Database or Faction Supply Manager. (Eg MNPU parts and some tradeskill gloves)

    In the case of the THN Items DB, I cheated a little and added a "All" faction, as having every faction listed on a MNPU part entry is a little bit daft.

  10. #100
    Spermy made my hands messy :'( Asurmen Spec Op's Avatar
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    C# made the progammer in me cry.

    Im taking a class on it and have been writing some network things, makes me want to stab my eyes out

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Because you prefer it from behind?


  11. #101
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Have a prezzie.

    Done with a PE and resist piercing. Values have been pretty much all checked and the same figures have been obtained for other resists.

    Rename to a txt file if necessary.

  12. #102
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Sexy, ty These will help a lot!

  13. #103
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Here's a suggestion.
    When you change it to show all items, rather than items you can use, have the names on the list of ones you don't meet the reqs for in red.


  14. #104
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy
    Here's a suggestion.
    When you change it to show all items, rather than items you can use, have the names on the list of ones you don't meet the reqs for in red.
    Good plan. I'm working on better ways to select implants at the moment, I don't like the present system - but I'll take your advice and alter the colours accordingly, cheers.

  15. #105
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevenJ
    Good plan. I'm working on better ways to select implants at the moment, I don't like the present system - but I'll take your advice and alter the colours accordingly, cheers.
    Maybe just divide the actual menu with all implants into categories first.

    Like dex, str, con, int, psi, others. And those categories then have the depending implants to choose from.

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