Thread: Information!

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  1. #1
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Default Information!

    I know, i know... It's summer, long weekends, lots of holidays, who would like to work? At least i don't wanna.

    But there's quite a few things i'm curious about.

    The actual number one problem. One stupid droner can solo every damn thing in the game. With ease. It takes 1 drone and less than 3 minutes to drop the MC5 base commander. You don't even have to heal the drone. I can solo the chaos caves, hell i cleaned the doy tunnels down to level 3. I'm fucking drowning in "rare drops".
    Not to mention drones cost pretty much no money at all. I might lose a drone to a bug once in a while but apart from that and some repair lube, nothing. I don't need to get armor, drugs, spells, ammo, nothing else i have to repair, i barely ever need a medkit or sta boosters.
    Is this intended? How long will this shit go on? There's several people selling HUNDREDS of rare parts each day. Every few minutes someone wants to trade MC5 parts. I can ultimate pretty much every rare i'm gonna build from now on. I got 5 slot versions of all the drop only weapons, lots of VK/titan armor, rare drugs, there is absolutely NOTHING i can't get on my own. Not to mention i don't even have to be careful. FFS i can stick a drone right into a 120/120 mobs face and still drop it.

    The only thing i haven't tried really is the worm tunnels due to the water down there but who needs a shitty melee rare anyway.

    What's the plan here? Everyone gets a capped droner so no other class ever needs to do pve again?

    Next stop. Low and midlevel pve is broken. It's too hard, not even remotely rewarding enough and extremely frustrating. High end it's fine actually.
    Oh and please fix Hoppers, Grims and Spiderbots.

    Pain in the ass. Completely. Wonderful idea, great concept, SHIT implementation. It takes to long to buff up, too many tools to keep track of, lots of nanite tools and ammo stacks cluttering up my inventory, they all fucking look alike, the heal tool is wank due to it's nanite concentration duration. Please do something about this. Personally i love the idea of modding a tool with i.e. 2 energy and 2 fire mods so if you use it you'll get 4 injections at once. Then lower the ammo and tools weight, give them different colors and increase the clipsize.

    Weapon balance.
    Come on KK, you can't be serious about balance right now. If it all seems fine on paper, you only have to try pvp for one night to find out half the guns are seriously overpowered while the other half is shit.

    Thank you for making woc a pvp requierement instead of an option like you actually stated. It should not make such a huge difference in damage output and (especially for PEs) available setups. And why do i have to farm mobs like mad, then hope for slots and good stats on the rare build while i can run a piss easy quest for a 4 to 5 slot artifact gun that mostly outdamages the rares anyway?

    So, why are the new woc quests so damn easy? You could just put an NPC next to the TH genrep who hands out 5 slot artifact woc guns. Same effect. Less time wasted. Half the epic quests (that are for low to midlevel characters) are harder to complete.
    If one could actually do those. Half the epics (and some jones quests) are broken again or still have wrong descriptions. How long again are those ingame now?
    Not to mention the rewards. There's 2 epic rewards that are actually worth doing the epic. Protopharm and NEXT. Maybe TT for the laser guns, i heard they're quite nice now. The rest is useless now or has been since the epics came out.

    Please give us some more information. I want to know what's going on. Because right now the only game i ever really enjoyed playing is finally going down the drain.

    Anyone else got questions they really want answered, go ahead and hijack my thread.

  2. #2
    R2K e.V. - Vorsitzender WaRü's Avatar
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    you forgot to mention that its possible to drone in less then a day from cap to WoC 1 or a more [on Spy`s, for PE`s it kinda suckz, but atleast its better then all other gun classes ]

  3. #3
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WaRü
    you forgot to mention that its possible to drone in less then a day from cap to WoC 1 or a more [on Spy`s, for PE`s it kinda suckz, but atleast its better then all other gun classes ]
    Hehe, kinda obvious if you see how easy drones are.

    One RK-1000 can get you WAY over 1 million xp in dex and int. Compared to any other class this is insane.

  4. #4


    The focus still lies on bug fixing and finetuning. We will inform you as soon as we have information about any possible game updates in the dimension of Neocron Evolution 2.1 or 2.2.
    "Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias, as it fell, was, 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now."

  5. #5
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    I don't want to know about the next big rework.

    I just want to know if you are even planning on fixing the problems i mentioned.

    I mean, drones are ruining the complete economy since 2.2 came out, will it just stay this way? Do you even feel like drones need to be toned down?

    It would take someone who knows about these things, what, 5 minutes to answer ALL of my questions.

  6. #6


    I cannot give you any details about the bug fixing and finetuning progress but we are reading the forums closely to evaluate which issues should receive the highest priority.
    "Curiously the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias, as it fell, was, 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly *why* the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now."

  7. #7
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowCrash
    I cannot give you any details about the bug fixing and finetuning progress but we are reading the forums closely to evaluate which issues should receive the highest priority.
    I know that you guys actually read the forums and at least consider all the crap we post here. I've even seen stuff that users posted make it into patches or even the balance patches.

    But to me it just seems the information stopped. We're only getting told "We're doing something." I want to know WHAT.

    It really can't be hard to get a weekly announcement up about the next upcoming patch or issues you're working on RIGHT NOW.
    For example, if i knew there was a change to drones coming up to bring them in line i'd be happy already. But i don't hear a single word about it while i'm
    watching the last bit of NCs economy break down.

    Just saying "We're working on something." doesn't satisfy anyone.

  8. #8
    Live in Hope, Die in Sync Selendor's Avatar
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    Agree with all your points. Definitely important things KK need to be looking at.

    Another problem with the drones is their insane hit points when used in PvP, they can take down non-ppu'd runners with ease and they take ages to shoot down. Am considering deleting my 5 year old PE and starting a droner, since PE's will just never fit into the game's mechanics unless they are given a unique ability in teamplay.

    And I also agree on the weapons, its great that KK rebalanced the code, but everyone is now using the same 4 weapons in pvp. Beam and Ion weapons all the way. Its crazy to me, weapons should be doing very similar damage, it should come down to speccing points and aiming skills as to who wins a battle, regardless of weapon type!

  9. #9
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Yes, the weapon issue sucks.

    There's so many guns, especially new ones, yet it already comes down to very few that are viable.

    Weren't they supposed to be balanced in terms of damageoutput and the possible defense you can get? Because that's just not there.

    There's several setups, if i meet them i just turn and leave. WoC pistol Pes for example, that lowtech pistol and the xbow are just sick.
    Same with the Ravager or ion cannon tanks.

    Last duels against a tank i had showed it pretty nice. I was using FL. If he had a CS, i won. When he used the ion cannon, i stood no chance.

  10. #10
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SorkZmok
    Last duels against a tank i had showed it pretty nice. I was using FL. If he had a CS, i won. When he used the ion cannon, i stood no chance.
    Interesting. Because I do better against tanks who use ion cannon. If they use plasma weapons, that tends to be when I lose...

  11. #11
    Registered User nabbl's Avatar
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    the only reason y ionic shotgun weapons are overpowered is that they do 3 different types of damage.

    piercing, xray , poison are affecting 3 different shields

  12. #12
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    uranus baby


    Quote Originally Posted by nabbl
    piercing, xray , poison are affecting 3 different shields
    Heh, guess the 3 kinds of nanites i didn't have on me that night.

  13. #13
    Nuckle Child Archtemplar's Avatar
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    Next stop. Low and midlevel pve is broken. It's too hard, not even remotely rewarding enough and extremely frustrating. High end it's fine actually.
    Oh and please fix Hoppers, Grims and Spiderbots.
    I dont entirely agree with this. Leveling a low level character is only hard if you follow the pre-2.2 methods. First level sewer is useless, aggies are to be attacked much later too. I leveled a character (rifle spy) from /2 to /50 in a short period of time with little difficulty, as have many others. Consider training grounds like the low level sewers found below the lvl1 sewers, then go to the beggar sewers, then jeriko, then launcher at mb. Its not difficult, its just different.

  14. #14
    Technine/Spike II - Soldierz spikeownzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SorkZmok
    I know, i know... It's summer, long weekends, lots of holidays, who would like to work? At least i don't wanna.

    But there's quite a few things i'm curious about.

    The actual number one problem. One stupid droner can solo every damn thing in the game. With ease. It takes 1 drone and less than 3 minutes to drop the MC5 base commander. You don't even have to heal the drone. I can solo the chaos caves, hell i cleaned the doy tunnels down to level 3. I'm fucking drowning in "rare drops".
    Not to mention drones cost pretty much no money at all. I might lose a drone to a bug once in a while but apart from that and some repair lube, nothing. I don't need to get armor, drugs, spells, ammo, nothing else i have to repair, i barely ever need a medkit or sta boosters.
    Is this intended? How long will this shit go on? There's several people selling HUNDREDS of rare parts each day. Every few minutes someone wants to trade MC5 parts. I can ultimate pretty much every rare i'm gonna build from now on. I got 5 slot versions of all the drop only weapons, lots of VK/titan armor, rare drugs, there is absolutely NOTHING i can't get on my own. Not to mention i don't even have to be careful. FFS i can stick a drone right into a 120/120 mobs face and still drop it.

    The only thing i haven't tried really is the worm tunnels due to the water down there but who needs a shitty melee rare anyway.

    What's the plan here? Everyone gets a capped droner so no other class ever needs to do pve again?

    Next stop. Low and midlevel pve is broken. It's too hard, not even remotely rewarding enough and extremely frustrating. High end it's fine actually.
    Oh and please fix Hoppers, Grims and Spiderbots.

    Pain in the ass. Completely. Wonderful idea, great concept, SHIT implementation. It takes to long to buff up, too many tools to keep track of, lots of nanite tools and ammo stacks cluttering up my inventory, they all fucking look alike, the heal tool is wank due to it's nanite concentration duration. Please do something about this. Personally i love the idea of modding a tool with i.e. 2 energy and 2 fire mods so if you use it you'll get 4 injections at once. Then lower the ammo and tools weight, give them different colors and increase the clipsize.

    Weapon balance.
    Come on KK, you can't be serious about balance right now. If it all seems fine on paper, you only have to try pvp for one night to find out half the guns are seriously overpowered while the other half is shit.

    Thank you for making woc a pvp requierement instead of an option like you actually stated. It should not make such a huge difference in damage output and (especially for PEs) available setups. And why do i have to farm mobs like mad, then hope for slots and good stats on the rare build while i can run a piss easy quest for a 4 to 5 slot artifact gun that mostly outdamages the rares anyway?

    So, why are the new woc quests so damn easy? You could just put an NPC next to the TH genrep who hands out 5 slot artifact woc guns. Same effect. Less time wasted. Half the epic quests (that are for low to midlevel characters) are harder to complete.
    If one could actually do those. Half the epics (and some jones quests) are broken again or still have wrong descriptions. How long again are those ingame now?
    Not to mention the rewards. There's 2 epic rewards that are actually worth doing the epic. Protopharm and NEXT. Maybe TT for the laser guns, i heard they're quite nice now. The rest is useless now or has been since the epics came out.

    Please give us some more information. I want to know what's going on. Because right now the only game i ever really enjoyed playing is finally going down the drain.

    Anyone else got questions they really want answered, go ahead and hijack my thread.

    lol, so much truth in 1 post... lol

    this is like a mock on kk
    im a hustla baby

  15. #15
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabbl
    the only reason y ionic shotgun weapons are overpowered is that they do 3 different types of damage.

    piercing, xray , poison are affecting 3 different shields
    Disintegrated ammo in Raygun weapons do too.... oh wait theyre shit.... nvm.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

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