1. #1
    I am the Law unreal's Avatar
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    Arrow Trees (Logical error mostly)

    I just noticed that you're now unable to walk through the 'chunky' trees, and unfortunately for most of us, this poses a great concern.

    After killing some neg SL enemy Spy many times at DRT while his PPU had appeared to rezz him, the dead Spy logs his droner, who Revenges me then quickly launches a Particle Nemesis to attempt to finish me off. Fortunately for me, he didn't have the ability to follow a stealthed runner even though I had a Heal and Damage Boost running with his PPU running behind me with True Shite Sanctum.

    Anyway, I run around the sector, first to the east, no sign of him/her. I then run around and eventually run along the road west of the GR. There I see it, Arrane on local. I then quickly have one of those graphical glitches where you're able to see through an object momentarily, in this case, a big chunky tree. Sure enough, Arrane has exploited his or her way inside the big tree so they're untargetable. I would have gladly taken a screenshot though the glitch didn't want to repeat itself again while I was running round it. Not to mention my F12 key doesn't want to take screenshots.

    How am I expected to kill this person without doing the same as them, hence breaking the RoC in order to kill them? I decided to GR back to TechHaven and log off for the night, as I needed to get on with other things anyway.

    The logical answer would be to allow us to just run through those trees again so we're able to target and therefore kill these runners, unless you're able to resolve the issue at hand, and quickly. I never saw a problem with trees being the way they were, beside the fact it lacked the obvious realism of being able to run through trees.
    "If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem." -Bjarne Stroustrup

  2. #2
    Banned User Dogface's Avatar
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    This is an old-ish exploit, that MAFIA clan used to do it allllll the time on their droners. It is barely (barely) possibly to target them from a distance but you have to nudge your reticule over parts of the tree for about 20 minutes before you find the right spot.

    I remember you saying on OOC "nice exploit Arrane". This needs to be fixed, but it's hard to prove people are standing in a tree where you can't see them, so it's hard to report them. They'd never get banned anyway

  3. #3
    I am the Law unreal's Avatar
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    I know the means of doing this is an old exploit, but before 2.2 I'm sure those types of trees were 'transparent' so to speak, where you could run/target right through the outsides of them. Apart from when Paul McDugan did the same thing to get inside of an OP wall on his APU (Cmaster will remember this ), I don't know of any other instance where people used this exploit to become completely untargettable and therefore at an extreme advantage to whoever they're shooting.

    As just a regular player myself, I wouldn't report people officially for doing it, even if it does break the RoC and does bloody annoy me in the process. You ban one person, and that person will be a friend of someone else, who may possibly stop playing Neocron after a while to play something else with their banned friend. That's the problem with having a small community.

    The ability to do/get away with these things should be removed or countered instead of being ban happy and decreasing our already small PvPing population. Of course there are rules to be followed, but if these issues that could be resolved quite easily do indeed get resolved, there wouldn't be a need to ban those people in the first place.
    "If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem." -Bjarne Stroustrup

  4. #4
    Uber Noob a4nic8er's Avatar
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    More likely to ban the people who complain about it (for discussing it) than those who do it.
    No point in having a sig if it just gets deleted for containing funny truisms!

  5. #5
    Banned User Dogface's Avatar
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    They probably will, but it's not like we're explaining how to do it..

  6. #6
    Andy is a ginger minger. ashley watts's Avatar
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    it is a pain in the ass i do agree , No doubt this was FF that was doin it XD ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zheo
    roleplay? Neocron? You must be joking look for Ashwatts I heard he role plays

  7. #7


    It is indeed an ooooooooooold exploit, and yet another one to chalk up to damn droners. Direct fire characters cannot get up a hitbox on external targets so this exploit isn't of much relevance. For a droner this is obviously not a problem since the drone moves out from inside the object's hitbox.

    Only 2 ways to currently dislodge the bastards is to beat them at their own game (note that I do not in any way, shape or form condone exploiting ), or just spam the tree with AoE.
    Since only non spy (therefore non stealther) characters can achieve the 2nd option the droner tends to see them coming a mile off and bugs out. Grrrr.

    And no - it wasn't an FF person

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