1. #46
    [uneX] - Developer Mighty Max's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogface
    People with LEs are gaining nor losing out on anything. Where's the penalty here?
    Never ever tell, that spoiling one group for the sake of another will have no negative influences. I can not think on any example it wasn't that way.

    And tbh, I don't want to speak about groups of ppl who declare themself as superiour (aka "we are the good, we need more ...") to others because of a single point in their opinion. You might figure this part out yourself.

    Instead do what you can within the ruleset. There are plenty of possibilities to increase the non-LEed population and attract Players to fund new clans and bringing some OP fun. For the statistics: ganking, shouting at LE'd, zoneline whoring, GR camping do NOT wake my desire to PvP when i observe them on my adventures through the world of neocron.
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  2. #47
    Account not active yet Vryce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IceStorm
    I reserve the right to be a lone player who interacts with who I want, when I want, with what faction I want. I reserve the right to ignore stupid gankers by simply standing there. I reserve the right to keep my vehicles intact by simply getting in them. It's what I pay for. Stop meddling with my fun just because your fun sucks.
    Sorry, DJ, couldn't have said it better. (Sticks head up from my trench)

    While I don't mean this as an attack on you, I have to also agree with Max and Obsidian; as an LE'd player, I feel I have enough minus's to contend with already.

    That said, I kind of understand where you're coming from, since both camps can describe abuses from the other. One other thing I'd like to say, is that I've played on both Pluto and Saturn, without an LE; same game, two different experiences.
    Last edited by Vryce; 27-03-07 at 22:40.

  3. #48


    Like SC said, LE's are fine, but "the bug" really needs to get fixed asap no matter how hilarious it is.
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  4. #49
    I am the Law unreal's Avatar
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    It's now been fixed according to Patch 161.
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  5. #50
    Recycler, Keeping Neocron Tidy kbmg's Avatar
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    I have no problem with a Exp penalty for LE. However it won't really make me remove it unless the following is also changed.

    1 if a person is in thier gogo they can not be harmed/healed/regenerate/use combat drugs/medkits... that way people can't be ganked at thier gogos but also cant use gogos to get out of dying. (also if somone is at city com, shopkeep, or consulting a gm)

    2. people get 2 min of invulnerability when rezzed or teleport and maybe 10 seconds when syncing but also cant heal/fight/regen ect... (illiminating rezkills also it may reduce people who use sync barriers as fight tactics)

    3 you cant harm someone 10 levels or more under you or 20 levels over you (illiminating newbie kills)

    If these 3 things were enabled I am sure a lot more people would have thier LE out so they can take advantage of the extra brain slot, or join a clan. however pvpers probibly won't like it as much even if LEers get less exp.

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  6. #51
    Banned User Bredahl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbmg
    I have no problem with a Exp penalty for LE. However it won't really make me remove it unless the following is also changed.

    1 if a person is in thier gogo they can not be harmed/healed/regenerate/use combat drugs/medkits... that way people can't be ganked at thier gogos but also cant use gogos to get out of dying. (also if somone is at city com, shopkeep, or consulting a gm)
    This could be exploided so much, so i doubt it would ever be possible

    2. people get 2 min of invulnerability when rezzed or teleport and maybe 10 seconds when syncing but also cant heal/fight/regen ect... (illiminating rezkills also it may reduce people who use sync barriers as fight tactics)
    LAME!! that would RUIN op fights! and in general this would also could be exploided

    3 you cant harm someone 10 levels or more under you or 20 levels over you (illiminating newbie kills)
    Again.. boring.. its not fun if you cant be ganked as a 0/2 - most ppl love that we have to look over our shoulders all the time!

    If these 3 things were enabled I am sure a lot more people would have thier LE out so they can take advantage of the extra brain slot, or join a clan. however pvpers probibly won't like it as much even if LEers get less exp.
    And alot of the current unLEd/non-carebear population would quit
    Thats all i had to say...

  7. #52
    Hand me a gun and ask me again zii's Avatar
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    I agree witth Bredahl, especially the 0/2 ganking.

    When I was 0/2 I felt liberated when I was told to remove my LE chip, and someone explained to me what it did. I felt that i could participate fully in the game's atmosphere. Of course, I explored the wastelands and got ganked a few times. This was par for the course.

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by kbmg
    3 you cant harm someone 10 levels or more under you or 20 levels over you (illiminating newbie kills)
    if this was enabled you would see groups of lvl 40ish ppl ganking capped chars who wouldn't even be able to defend themselves.

    on a side note: your other ideas would just lead to having an insta le around every corner, so no wonder everyone would pop their le if that happened.

  9. #54
    Registered User Drake6k's Avatar
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    First of all I completely agree with Dribble Joy.

    Second: I remember no safeslots, two sets of item reqs (higher for LE), XP penalty on LE, no "dungeon" and "apartment" zones, COPBOTS DID LOW DAMAGE AND DIDNT PARA. OH, and I shouldn't forget beta where you dropped your ENTIRE belt

    Maybe one day Neocron will begin morphing back into the hardcore pvp design it once had instead of slowing becoming soft and cuddly for those who can't stomach getting pked.

    So yeah, that is all. same shit different year
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  10. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Drake6k
    First of all I completely agree with Dribble Joy.

    Second: I remember no safeslots, two sets of item reqs (higher for LE), XP penalty on LE, no "dungeon" and "apartment" zones, COPBOTS DID LOW DAMAGE AND DIDNT PARA. OH, and I shouldn't forget beta where you dropped your ENTIRE belt

    Maybe one day Neocron will begin morphing back into the hardcore pvp design it once had instead of slowing becoming soft and cuddly for those who can't stomach getting pked.

    So yeah, that is all. same shit different year
    I can stand it however at level 5 a level 40 player tried to attack me. I do not find it fun when a player way over my level attacks me and I can't run or fight or do anything but die. If they made it so I would not drop my belt then I would remove the LE.

  11. #56
    I am the Law unreal's Avatar
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    Cancel your account and go play PacMan. ty
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  12. #57


    What seems to have been ignored about Dribble Joy's suggestion so far is this part:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy
    So in a sense it's not only about rewarding people for removing it, but about giving those who use it more time to do what they want.
    In my opinion it is an aspect that is true. And as far as I am concerned: Go for it. I am still somewhat of a newbie and will leave my LE chips in until my toons are capped and have at least half-decent gear before I will join PvP. And if I will have more time to become familiar with the game mechanics while levelling, I am just fine with it.

    Tradeskillers should be an exception from this rule though (for the record: None of my toons is a tradeskiller).

  13. #58


    alright i'll stop lurking to call you guys out on this.

    First off, you can't call LE users carebears and then suggest a slew of ways to make using an LE more carebear. If you think Neocron is getting MORE carebear, why would you change things to exascerbate it?

    Second, there ARE negatives to using an LE, so why does every 5th post try to say there isnt? Are we not reading the whole thread and just flamebaiting?

    Third, the game doesn't have any real penalty for ganking noobs, which is kinda dumb. In the interest of making it more real, you could remove the LE from the game, but you would have to take steps to keep a bunch of people from hanging out by the MB entrance capping everything that runs by. Loss of soullight isnt enough - the way i see it, with the help of a SLwhore, losing some SL is nothing more than a slower form of SI. You want to take my LE, then you better get KOS if you start acting like a asshole.

    Fourth, you call yourself a hardcore PvP'er, but then cry about LE'ed runners in Op fights? Don't be such a carebear. Fight fire with fire.

    And last, i have to admit that this is a bit of a flamebait, but I've seen the videos and a few opfights ingame, and personally, i'm negatively impressed. I dont have ANY desire to participate in them NOR do i want to don a microphone headset and talk about clan-related matters. If I want intense PvP, I dont turn on Neocron.

    SO, if you want to screw with the LE, then people like me who just want to play casually, will definately never come back. And then you'll be in the same place you were today, except you won't have the LE'ed runners to blame for it.
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  14. #59


    I've seen people at mb without le leveling over the last days because of the le bug. They get killed all the time. One of them even refused to use armor and imps because of that.

    Can you provide shelter for them?

    If you can, I'd say activate the feature again that damages the le. Try to balance the damage so that it falls out after leveling to >50.

    If you can't, you will lose all the new people, because it's not possible for them to level.

    Why people keep killing runners that can't do any harm to them is another subject.

  15. #60
    the myth and the concept Richard Slade's Avatar
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    I always thought NC was way too carebear..
    First of all, remove the LE protection in OP zones (if it hasn't been done already that is.)
    A heck, skip the first idea and just blow the damn chip up at 30/30 and let's go hardcore again.
    With that also remove the army of guards in cities and lets rock again!

    "Why would this be a good idea in any way? It only caters PvP!"
    NOPE! It actually caters PvM more.
    How, well, if we add some objective to city raiding.
    For example the ability to loot stuff from certain places *cough*NCPD HQ*cough* which can't be found anywhere else
    (And also requiring a buckload of leet gear, like WoC weapons and stuff to get there)
    This loot could involve
    special statues (read: Heads and other trophies)
    ammo with some OMPH (bit extra damage maybe, or some funny effect like turning the fire into another color, shooting bunnies instead of bullets or such)
    Unique weapons (Modelwise first of all, preferably with some neat slots..
    PA's with a big ass NC or DoY logo on them...

    You get the idea, something people want and crave.

    With that we do what would seem the most obvious in a game like NC..
    We draw the fights into the cities instead of the nuked and radioactive wasteland... (Seriously, who wants to be out there more than needed?)
    And with that leaving room for the PvM crowd to roam a bit more without fearing a Monkey and his strap-on to be waiting around every corner
    (Well, tree then, wasteland doesn't involve many corners)

    And yet we still maintain the use of OPs (For example needing a certain amount of them to build, aim and launch an EMP shockwave that disables previously mentioned guards..

    So why the hell should we remove the LE?
    Because this is Neocron!
    If you want to tradeskill without getting blown to kingdom come in P1, well, stay in your friggin apartment then!
    If you want to fight in the wastelands without risking anything, getting loot and rares while previously mentioned Monkey and his strap-on, well you're in the wrong friggin place,
    what rights do the NCPD have in the middle of the empty wastelands anyways?
    I'll tell ya, none.

    And if they for some reason do, atleast have them come kill you instead of just making the opponent immune...

    That's MY opinions on LE's, carebears and what NC could use.

    Edit: Oh, and for the newbieganking and MB part.
    Just do what was so happily done in the middle of NC (where you can't bloody fire anyways)
    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    If it was bland and politically correct it would be utter crap.

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