I am EXTREMELY bored at the moment, so i thought i would provide you guys some story goodness (i hope). Should half way compare to my Warbot Titan story...which...i never finished...*cough*
Sitting in his foul, Moldy smelling apartment, Apoc cleaned his Gattling Gun barrels. He felt that he needed to cleanse all his weapons after putting in a hard days work as a Bounty Hunter. He prided himself on checking up on NCPD's Most Wanted list daily, and attempting to hunt down a criminal in his Reveler vehicle he got exclusively from NEXT.
Apoc woke up with a start, Hearing someone outside his outzone apartments Window. He asumed it was a thief or a smuggler, so instictively grabbed his Gattling Cannon he kept on a rack above his bed. He peeked around the window, checking the Ally for any activety. Seeing nothing, he hit a switch on the side of his gun that activated a flashlight that he had a engineer freind mount on his cannon. He scanned the Ally, but that was not what alerted him of a theif. The flashlight had scared the Man that attempted to break into Apocs home, after seeing his stockpile of weapons he kept in various places around his apartment, easily visible from the alley and his boarded windows. Apoc instictively picked up on the mans heavy, accelerated breathing, and grabbed for his Blade of Ceres, which he called the sword that he had taken so much time to find the ancient peices too. He silently crept out the window, and in a second, he was on the ground, still half kneeling with the blade on the mans neck.
"Who the hell do you think you are!?!"