1. #16


    a timer???? When i played my trader on Mercury while ago, this shitty Dragonfags where there all the time, Ive paid an Apu/Ppu more then once to clean the area so that i can reach my Dre Appartment with my rare stuff in it

  2. #17
    Bluenose Jodo's Avatar
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    Well thats no good. You should get a DRE cell in Plaza 3 like me.
    Much safer.

    From what I can make out of Boreals post, I think I agree. The Gaya glove is a superb item. An implant that that takes up an otherwise nearly useless slot and doesn't need poking to put back in. The difficulty of getting it is fine.

    I don't think the Dragonswrath guys do vanish after a while. I spent ages killing one when I was a noob. Decent xp for a **/27 though if you can single one out.
    Last edited by Jodo; 06-06-06 at 16:37.

    Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right. - Basil Fawlty

  3. #18
    [uneX] - Developer Mighty Max's Avatar
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    As said, i didn't do it for a while now. But i'm quite sure that all quest-spawned mobs had this timer. Actually i think i remember quest problems where quest-spawned mobs disappeared too fast, and the quest very difficult to solve. (Was it the hurler king quest?)

  4. #19
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Max
    As said, i didn't do it for a while now. But i'm quite sure that all quest-spawned mobs had this timer. Actually i think i remember quest problems where quest-spawned mobs disappeared too fast, and the quest very difficult to solve. (Was it the hurler king quest?)
    Actually, it was the NCPD quest one again. THe ones on OZ1 (which the mission where you arent required to kill them) don't despawn. However both JOhnny Five + henchmen and Pavel "The Tulip" + henchmen, which the mission DOES require you to kill do despawn - although timers are fixed so as to be perfeclty reasonable now. Also, the "despawn" kills them, so provided you have done the 20% damage or so required for kill credit, you are fine.

    And people are talking a lot of crap about the gaya.

  5. #20
    Retired Spermy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boreal
    you know what.... on ALL quest i have done, the hardess is the CERES WoC one... not the gaya....

    the epic are sell on base on how hard is it...

    moveon and ppr ress sell at 1-2 mill
    t-haven chip (dunno)
    TG grenade (never see some)
    Gaya glove 5-6 mill


    yea the gaya is the hardess quest to do... BUT IT GIVE A FREAKING BEST GLOVE THAT NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE.....

    moveon can be good but you can have better whit a MC5 hercule
    Epic tangent Gatteling Cannon is NICE, but a CS capped is better

    well the glove is the unique epic item that can't be beaten (by that i mean you can't find a better glove even if you will make it)

    that why im saying STOP COMPLANING and look the fack, it hard because it a ULTIMATE EPIC ITEM

    you should be PROUD to have one OR have done it... not complaning that it too hard and you don't wanna do it

    I don't think anyones complaining it's too hard. It's piss poorly implemented. It's rammed in a cave that's already set for other purposes. For the level it's obtainable at, It's a move I can only describe as stupid.

    There's other places ( including an identical mine) to set up the Epic mission area, away fom other interfering factors. Why yes, it may be hard, but thats not the issue. The issue is it's shoved hap-hazardly into a poor choice of area with the impunity of a pissed up idaho wheat farmer, as seems to be the norm. When a Fix is called for, does it happen?


    TL3 Heals.

    Gaya Mine

    PE lip Fix

    The rock in FA sector

    MB zone classification

    Various broken or useless NPCs.

    The list could go on.

    EDIT - as for CS vs Speedie - or Herc Vs moveon....

    You talk shite.
    Last edited by Spermy; 06-06-06 at 17:19.
    Quote Originally Posted by NAPPER
    yes but with 10 more dex they will be xbow tanks i nealy had 60 million over cap in dex on my old tank and with the plus to dex they will be able to get a good damage on it. will they ????

  6. #21


    boreal: moveon can be good but you can have better whit a MC5 hercule
    Epic tangent Gatteling Cannon is NICE, but a CS capped is better
    Are you playing a different game than me? Moveon versus Herc? You mean that req-less chip that sits just great in a levelling Monk/PE/Spy/Tank versus that high-STR requirement chip? Yep, you got me.

    Also - If you think the CS is better than a speedie when looked at across the entire Char set up I pity you, but you probably have people that agree with you. That is a personal preference imo.

    Yes, the Gaya glove is great, and yes the OLD mission made it worth it. When was the last time you tried this mission on anything less than a /50 or higher?

    As to your suggestion to 'go do something else' - That's a good suggestion. Ah, I can't do this mission as an APU at /42, I shall level lots and come back another time......Ahahaha - I am now a capped APU, I will do the mission again.......Dead. With populations as they are, are you trying to tell me that you think we should stop whining about a mission that I don't believe a capped APU can do solo?

    Go do the run, and as spermy says we will all watch you retract you words.

  7. #22
    Registered User Zheo's Avatar
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    If the missions requires a level /35 to take on creatures that are impossible for him to kill then it is too difficult and should be changed. The Gaya mine quest expects a rank /35 (i think) to kill 90/90, 100/100 and 120/120 and some times clumped 10+ together in a small space. If you think someone can actually kill them, then your welcome to go and try, but if only people with stealth or a ppu perhaps can get through then how is it fair for those that can't? Besides that you shouldn't make a new thread about the same topic which already has a thread.

  8. #23


    erm itemprices are in no way related to the difficulty of obtaining them.
    they are solely related to their usefullness and how many items are available (very hard missions like cs epic may be a point there).
    if that was the case then the cm resi would be more expensive then a ff and this one would be more expensive than an ncpd chip, which obviously isn't the case
    same is with mc5 items who's main use is to have a second sri,sf or whatever installed, not the extra point the give in a mainskill.

    as for epics, some are way harder than others. like bd who don't even have to leave the dome to complete it and tsunami who have to go to nc at lvl 10 (killer missi for a real noob).
    cs epic on the other hand was one of the harder epics, tho ok until they decided to use the very same mine the bot is in for the genotoxic mission. (why they didn't take any of the other 2 unused mines still is a miracle to me )

    and the dragonswrath don't dissappear after a while and considering that pawel does after a pretty short timespan i can understand that noone is willing to clean up their own mess when you have to restart the same missi for the 5th time or so
    tho it really is annoying for lolvl chars who may want to go there

    as for the guy in the garbage dumb, a part of the termi assault quad mission is found in the same dumb, that's why you have a good chance to encounter the rather evil 80/80 mobs of that missi, who kill ppl having to go there for epic rather quick.

    the wastelands are really big enough to put hilvl missions far away from the epic ones, there are dozens of sectors where nothing ever happens, why not using these abandoned areas for hilvl mission content ?

  9. #24
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    taht what i say, people bitch WAY too muich in that game... remember back in old time it was the PPU who EVERYONE bitch again

    one set-up was made that a PPU was nearly unkillable....SO WHAT

    my point is not to say something is harder that a other one OR that quest is tought, that post if again all bitching people who flame KK for doing nothing (as you alway say)

    i like what KK have done, sometime i was fustrating (i was a droner when the drone keep dissaper for no reason OR i launch the drone in the middle of no where... got a lot of trouble whit that (- SL (actualy -99!!), lost of cash (lsot drone, buy a new one)) but i didn't have BITCH like you does (well you know if that line can stick to you), else i have work whit KK when the WEEK THEME got out, have spend nearly 1 mill in drone and was finding place where it get struck, call a GM, show him, take note and then i go buy some other.

    If you find it too hard... maiby that mean DO IT IN TEAM. this is part of the RP we ARE suppose to play (desipe i only remember 1 clan doing it and it was a trading skill one ). I nearly never go fight or do something alone (well how a ppu gain lvl :P)

    If you find it hard, ask for help, pay people or jsut say you go lvl there... a LOT of people jsut ASK for a group. You guy are part of the 10 % of the people i will (or i shoot since i never like PvP) kill on sign since it boring to see something like that

    as for the moveon be less better that the MC5 hercule, i have leveling my tank whit special force, Zeker 2-3 and a advence movement..... i never got them and i will later when i will be max (need 1 mill xp :P)

    that only show you that the people who bitch the more are OFFEN the one who can pay for that item but who lift a single finger.

    I have done the CM epic (should have keep my 5 slot Gatteling :P) but instead i have give it away to one low lvl tank who need help (desipe i got some money and rare part but for around 400 K)

    I did the Epic just for fun, find it hard since it drop my SL each time i kill one of the 3 guy (that was a bug too, i have never complain again that) and marcel at the end drop me bellow -20 (gard shoot me on sight) so what, i talk to him, die and got my gatteling

    on all these i have show you, i have NEVER post something as **Crahn epic 4 is too tought change it or we will cry again**

    Im proud of what i have done and even if it was tought, i still have my tank maxed who do the CM epic, still got my droner who was (at the end) costing me MORE that i was ganning (i do the prostituate to buy new drones :P:P) but in the end, i find it cool, i have find Much more new place to lvl and see new people.

    The rule is simple, if you can't do it alone, THEN IT'S MAY SAY INDIRECT DO IT WHIT A GROUP !!!

    can you do teh WoC alone !!!
    can you do the MC5 alone !!! (no droner here :P:P i know you can do it guy)
    Can you do the Genetoxin alone !!!

    If you fight alone alway, then why your playing NC !!! that my question, many clan are here, many people just look for a group to make fun :P

    yesterday i have say it a bit upper, i go lvl whit b-wise and die more offen that i have never die :P it still took me 20 min to get back :P the main point is that it was fun, we lvl a lot (12 mill xp is nice) and we got some fun.

    I didn't say that the crahn epic is bad, yea it hard, yea it much harder that ALL epic, but it need one epic to be like that desipe is you guy who got it

    so stop complaning and why not SAYING the good part of it. you will make ton of xp, meet new people, even get rares part ect...

    so let the **i can't do it alone** and go out whot a group, it way much funner and it get your xp a bit more fast

    **ooc. the only class i know who is fine alone is droner :P:P but they can go to hell :P:P

  10. #25


    So, if I can attempt to make sense of that (understandable since English is not your first language).

    In essence you are telling me to take my LE out, find a clan and get help.


    Ask for a capped LE'd PPU?

    So, it's a completely group oriented world? Agreed that MMO implies you group up. Go and see Zheo's post about how many people it took to do the quest.

    What if I don't want to take out my LE yet? I have to try to find a capped PPU with an LE in? There are quite a lot of those at 8 pm American time on Terra.

    Now go away - Maybe I am whining; maybe I'm pointing out to KK that it's changed and is damn impossible to solo. Maybe I should stop and just shut up and not say anything.....then maybe a new player will start, subscribe, join Crahn, do the epic, get killed lots in the mine and quit. Yes, let's all shut up and play it the way KK want us to play it. It is simply inconceivable that they made a genuine mistake and didn't understand the ramifications of putting the Xbow run in the same place. We should all shut up and not point it out to them. Bravo.

  11. #26
    Retired Spermy's Avatar
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    Bor... you keep missing the point. =/
    Quote Originally Posted by NAPPER
    yes but with 10 more dex they will be xbow tanks i nealy had 60 million over cap in dex on my old tank and with the plus to dex they will be able to get a good damage on it. will they ????

  12. #27
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    if you wanna hear me bitch i have a long list

    1.heal tl3
    2. xbow
    4.epic bug
    5. spawn bug 9sometime they respawn too fast otherwise is not enought)

    that easy to do

    now to balance the think, we need idea to help people come back, and that certenly not in bitching like you guy do that people will actualy do it
    it more whit people saying that finaly they got it, finaly the was able to do it ect...ect...ect...

    and in matter of fack, i got a ppu, and i play around that time too.... so don't come here bitch because you can't search a few more min to find one :P ask for me and i will GLADLY help you (i play in same time you have say erlyer)

  13. #28
    Retired Spermy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boreal
    if you wanna hear me bitch i have a long list

    1.heal tl3
    2. xbow
    4.epic bug
    5. spawn bug 9sometime they respawn too fast otherwise is not enought)

    that easy to do

    now to balance the think, we need idea to help people come back, and that certenly not in bitching like you guy do that people will actualy do it
    it more whit people saying that finaly they got it, finaly the was able to do it ect...ect...ect...

    and in matter of fack, i got a ppu, and i play around that time too.... so don't come here bitch because you can't search a few more min to find one :P ask for me and i will GLADLY help you (i play in same time you have say erlyer)
    In the nicest possible way mate, if you can't understand what I'm trying to tell you, that's your problem.

    I will not repost my above points as to be honest, they're right there. Read them. If you don't understand them, then tough, we didn't ask you to come here and bitch at us. Go bitch at the frenchies who you will actually be able to understand.

    This is not about it being too hard. It's aboiut KK fucking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by NAPPER
    yes but with 10 more dex they will be xbow tanks i nealy had 60 million over cap in dex on my old tank and with the plus to dex they will be able to get a good damage on it. will they ????

  14. #29
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    that my point...

    what are you doning here again

    your bitching

    why your bitching

    because you can't adapt to the change kk have done

    KK have made a good game, me beeing a programmer myself (im not lying) i know it hard to make good change...

    now if your not happy, what i say is that we have too many bitching here and not enought TANKS

    TANKS KK for making Droner able to drone again
    TANKS KK for the change in hacknet who is now acceptable
    TANKS KK for the new heal who heal like crazy (i truly love it)
    TANKS KK for all these new mob (genotoxin) we can hunt
    TANKS KK for being able to keep these little BITCH saying bad at you, im truly find your job great and i find way too much bitch, you should close them or put sanction, they are not helping, they are destructing the game
    TANKS KK for your patience

    in my way, TANKS KK for all what you have made, and the other (the one who KEEP complaning after all good change have been done) well screw you, if your not happy (3 time i say it again) just LEAVE

    we want positive player... not player who can't do stuff and still bitch.

    if we fix ALL the probleme, you will again find some,

    after the probleme you will find LE'd people annoying because they took your leveling spot

    you will find (dunno) some monster too hard to kill

    the fack is that EVEN if we give you all


  15. #30


    hahahahahha tanks

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