Thread: Red SL FTW

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  1. #1
    Banned User Kierz's Avatar
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    Default Red SL FTW

    Just thought I'd put a little point out there, if everyone played with red SL the game could be a lot more fun.. think of it. You'd always be able to find where people are using the NCPD list, so it wouldn't take anywhere near as long to find a decent fight (not zoneline bs fighting). Right now I'm sure if you went out into the middle of the wastes with -99 SL, it won't be long before someone comes to try and kill you. Think of what it would be like if everyone did this. Also belt drops would go back to nc1 style, no hack needed, most of the stuff you drop is replaceable, but maybe every now and then you'll lose your weapon, BOO HOO.

    Just a shame the population is too carebare (or just cares about their stuff) too much for this to ever happen... instead everyone exploits to 100 SL :/

  2. #2
    Retired Spermy's Avatar
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    Yeah. The drawbacks I see there are the losing of stuffs. The aggro from anything that moves NPC wise would be a bitch too. No one would leave thier apartment.

    Although if everyone was in shit armour, with shit weapons they could easily replace, it'd be ace, or if they were in a warzone... but in taht case, they'd probably much rather OP fight.

    The answer here is for people to change thier habits. But, as MB is easy and safe, not many will. I prefer pepper park over the MB zoneline anytime. Or even better, just make MB a safezone, with a shift around of NPCs it could be viable.
    Quote Originally Posted by NAPPER
    yes but with 10 more dex they will be xbow tanks i nealy had 60 million over cap in dex on my old tank and with the plus to dex they will be able to get a good damage on it. will they ????

  3. #3


    (first of all sry for my bad english)

    jeah thats the point, nc pop got more and more carebarished, i remember starting at retail nc2, to me it was war on every corner every time, but with strong fighters not whiners (as we got it nowadays), ppl who were killed toke Gr and come back to get some revenge....

    Today they get killed and begun to whine in the chans how lucky their killers are that he got fatal/lag/synch/drugflash/whatever, otherwise he would have killed them all, with the mouse in the right and a burger in the left cos all of them are fucking noobs....

    Today when u kill someone u got directs, none of the "u son of a.." sort, no no no they are more worst, they start like "how could u, i was only bla bla bla... u pk scum ruined neocron, play cs bla bla bla" gooood i hate those barbie fags...

    few days ago a friend of mine killed some Enemy, and after a clanmate of the dead guy appears and rezzed his opponent my friend killed him again, and again, and again, somewhere the ppu stoped rezzing his clanie, after this "Session" he was termed by both as a rezzkiller

    The Bad Ass gaming days are finally over since Plaza1 was turned into lalaland, i really missed the time when a Tg spy hunted down my Trader 3 or 4 times in less then 2 hours, it gaves the game a little prick that im missing since them

  4. #4


    I agree. NC has became a carebear paradise. the other day i got bitched out on trade by 2 newbies for calling some guy a "dumbarse". i thinki thats a pile of bull. and one of the guys that was telling me "OHH IMMA GET YOU BANNED" was 2 days old. i think we need an Anarchy Breed faction that allows you to kill anyone you want without loss of SL/FS in exchange for doing like a 10 mission epic type thing.
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Apocalypsox
    I agree. NC has became a carebear paradise. the other day i got bitched out on trade by 2 newbies for calling some guy a "dumbarse". i thinki thats a pile of bull. and one of the guys that was telling me "OHH IMMA GET YOU BANNED" was 2 days old. i think we need an Anarchy Breed faction that allows you to kill anyone you want without loss of SL/FS in exchange for doing like a 10 mission epic type thing.
    Whether hes been playing for 2 days or 2 years it doesn't matter.

    As soon as any games company starts giving longer playing customers better priviledges against the rules over new customers, thats when things start to fuck up.

  6. #6
    Retired canuma100's Avatar
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    1 U want PvP?

    2 U want More Ppl Without LE?

    3 U want too be rich and famous?

    The Solution for the first Two things are Le(a)rn German And GO MARS

    PS if anyone knows the answer for question 3 PM to me
    SELKET Leechender SPY

  7. #7
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    As stated above


    You know, once you make yourself believe that there is no such thing as a safeslot and positive soullight, pretend it's allways been that way, then it's not that bad.
    It's in fact very very liberating to run around red. For starters you are no longer bound by KK's silly carebearism.
    Average Joe dropped a red belt last night. It was all replaced faster than he got repoked

    People that use epic weapons or nonrares can perfectly run around on red soullight, and in fact have WAY more fun and fights than the 100sl ones.
    It gives that extra thrill to fights and yes, people do come looking for you, meaning you don't have to spend hours looking for them

    I'd like to point out also that odly enough, fetish has found more people to fight in the wastes in two days than i've seen in other places in the last two weeks.

    As for anarchy breed, KK should consider this as a playable faction, but the best idea i heard so far is that once you join your character you can NEVER leave the faction. Also they shouldn't be allowed to take and hold ops, maybe a secret hq somewhere (jailhouse?) and possibly a faction bound epic item where you get to choose between a weapontype (use of a certain drone, melee, cannon, pistol, rifle, apu or ppu spell)

  8. #8
    Casius / lore
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    October 2002


    ehy dont u try it out ? get minus 99 SL go in the wastes and wait lemme know how it goes and if this is soemthing u will be doing 3-4 times a day

  9. #9


    hehe ... fabulous comment from a person that uses xbow.
    Let me point out the amusing part .... "we all have xbows and dont realy care if we drop rares ... since we dont use any". Yet you expect people have full cabs of rares. News flash ... rares DO not drop as much as they did in nc1.
    Something else to think about. Number of shots a person needs to land at you with his epic (taking to account tangent stuff too) to actually kill you.You understand what way i am going with that, hopefully.
    I hope you can logically evaluate current scarce population. Do you see many people having time to invest in getting woc under currect situation?

    Lets summarize. Who in right mind would put themselves through such pain a butt .. a trackable outcast with no real offense and a ticket to idle after a countless gang bang hunts by all the other players. We need to consider something else here ... Fetish is a small minority and thats about it. Carebearism as you put it has nothing to do with it. Most people can not or do not want to follow your way of thinking. Therefore enjoy the moment . You are borred as much as most people. But majority of tiny populance we have would not take extreme path like you did. I wonder how long it will take for people to get tired of running after stealthing red Pes. Understaning psyche of our beloved populance yields interesing prognosis.

  10. #10
    Registered User Bozz-Von Mel's Avatar
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    Man I wanna try that when I get back. A whole clan of NEG SL people running around with non-rares. Sounds very liberating. I'm in.
    I bring nothing to the table.

  11. #11
    Roger Ramjet Fanboy Number 1 RogerRamjet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fero
    Fetish is a small minority and thats about it.
    But my God, we manage to piss off a hell of a lot of people dont we.

    FETISH 1, General Community 0.

  12. #12
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    As stated above


    Hey, we're the minority that's still having loads of fun in this game

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by cRazy-
    Whether hes been playing for 2 days or 2 years it doesn't matter.

    As soon as any games company starts giving longer playing customers better priviledges against the rules over new customers, thats when things start to fuck up.

    that doesnt change the fact that a year ago, if someone tried to scam me, i could tell them to go fuck themselves, and now i CANT!!!!! carebearization 4tl.
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  14. #14


    People do have fun in this game, there are things to do. The ones that do not have any are not playing. Boredom in my terms is not a lack of things to do, but rather a lack of excitement with game ... total absence or rarity of certain things. I dont want to pull a dead skunk out of bag again by posting a summary of problems that drives people away. Gunner’s post says:"do so and you will have fun". I see no truth in that.
    I think you get more bound by careberism if you are on negative side. Some places you cannot go since you will have aggro and you get tracked all time. Bozz-Von Mel's idea sounds good till that clan gets xbows . What is the price in killing you Bugs to punish you for your evil doings(I recall something bizarre about eating babies and pushing old folk around)? a few spells, an armor or a drug? No appeal in that, really. Lets remind the masses that xbow, tl10 heal and nib stealth tool you cannot drop. Do you use something else important? A few high TL monk spells maybe … thanks to NC “excellent” belt drop rules. Make a clan of “Raging Low SoulLight PEs wealding Epics or Nonrares” only. Sounds fun I bet. If I want to gank someone I can do that normal way. If I get killed I wount drop something important like my weapon. Other things I can easily replace even with having 100 sl :P. I just don’t have dozens of slashers or CSes kicking around in my cabs nor I have time to do Woc. Common sense.

    @ Roger .. right now Fetish is just a minor occurrence. In order to piss off people you need to become Major annoyance, like a 10 people at least. Good luck doing that. It should prove itself a healthy entertainment for a week or two. How about later? Might as well start idling back sl, since I highly doubt that Majority of people go after you. There is no gain. Common sense again. I bet there will be a zealot or two. But you will drive them away by using “the glory of the many” strategy.

    P.S. for all unsure people … would I advise against going red soul light? Yes.
    As a short term fun factor it might be ok, but long term …well … lets play and see

  15. #15
    Registered User Bozz-Von Mel's Avatar
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    This is torture. Why do I have to be addicted to Neocrack?
    I bring nothing to the table.

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