You know, once you make yourself believe that there is no such thing as a safeslot and positive soullight, pretend it's allways been that way, then it's not that bad.
It's in fact very very liberating to run around red. For starters you are no longer bound by KK's silly carebearism.
Average Joe dropped a red belt last night. It was all replaced faster than he got repoked

People that use epic weapons or nonrares can perfectly run around on red soullight, and in fact have WAY more fun and fights than the 100sl ones.
It gives that extra thrill to fights and yes, people do come looking for you, meaning you don't have to spend hours looking for them

I'd like to point out also that odly enough, fetish has found more people to fight in the wastes in two days than i've seen in other places in the last two weeks.

As for anarchy breed, KK should consider this as a playable faction, but the best idea i heard so far is that once you join your character you can NEVER leave the faction. Also they shouldn't be allowed to take and hold ops, maybe a secret hq somewhere (jailhouse?) and possibly a faction bound epic item where you get to choose between a weapontype (use of a certain drone, melee, cannon, pistol, rifle, apu or ppu spell)