1. #16

    Join Date
    December 2002


    I begin to ask myself what is the point of leveling and character customization (stats), and equipment when people's capped characters all have the same cookie cutter setup, using identical armor, and have very similar if not exactly the same con setups. And if you like the fact that you can be capped in a week and playing, then why really have the leveling process there in the first place? Why not just have everyone start with a capped character with unreleased points and all the armor and executioner, at least this is the rationale of many of you here. Veterans can level up, setup their con stat, and equip themselves in less than a week. This game might as well be planetside with a little more complexity and SLIGHTLY more customization

    If someone wants to spend a month getting armor that gives +5 resists in fire, xray, poison, and energy, it wouldn't bother me in the least. He is a bit better, but not much. But this isn't even what I'm necissarily trying to get implemented.

    I think you guys are missing the point though. It has nothing to do with anything other than giving capped players more to do. Give players more equipment to get that can vary their setup. Give them things that are truly rare in their droprate, or difficult to get (not talking like mc5). This will give capped players more to do and get this game away from specialization, which is trying to direct things to a more beta4 state. Give life and purpose to a character post capped status besides opwars and random pvp.

    and this comment "WoW inspired idea (equipment)". It falls down right there."

    I agree it isn't the best game i've ever played and already gave hommage to Neocron as the most fun, but you're just being closed minded with that statement. I think borrowing SOME ideas from other games that have retained a large number of end game players has some merit.
    Last edited by bounty; 16-10-05 at 20:55.
    u fucking w/me u fucking with a P.I.M.P

  2. #17


    Bounty, if you honestly believe ideas like this will promote diversity, it won't. People will find cookier cutter set-ups just as they've done before. That's what I meant with my comment; what good is "random" equipment if people flock to the same sort of bonuses and the like anyway?

    It's not being close minded, it's being fed up with the ridiculous grind that the system in WoW promoted.

  3. #18
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    NF, getting pwned.


    More items that are statistically indifferent but look different would be a bonus.

    Like a Storm Bot armour, exactly the same as CAPA, but with a lvl 60 req and awarded like a faction reward.

    Quote Originally Posted by bounty
    If someone wants to spend a month getting armor that gives +5 resists in fire, xray, poison, and energy, it wouldn't bother me in the least. He is a bit better, but not much.
    +20 total armour is a lot.
    Last edited by Dribble Joy; 16-10-05 at 21:05.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Dragon
    "WoW inspired idea (equipment)". It falls down right there.

    We already have enough equipment that's from drop-only. Can we keep it that way? I'd rather not see another game descend into months on months of grinding just so you can get Slightly Better Equipment+7.
    change the avatar

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by giga191
    change the avatar
    I don't have to like the way a game is played to enjoy it's artwork.

    There's a whole slew of Warcraft related material out there which isn't World of Warcraft, such as the Pen and Paper Roleplay Game, the RTS series and so on.

  6. #21

    Join Date
    December 2002


    I'm not gonna try to see through the eyes of the developers minds here, but I've been here since the first day of beta4 and I feel I have some noteworthy insight.

    When I first started playing, I was completely overwhelmed. So much to learn: stats, weapons, equipment, tons of things to explore. There are still many places in Neocron that I have not ventured into and explored. (I still get lost in DOY as well). It was months and months before a capped monk was to be found on then pluto. People were experimenting with different setups and equipment. The road to being a capped player was long and truly epic. Getting a capped character was an accomplishment and getting that uber 5 slot rare was like winning the lotto for that brief moment.

    Now, the game has evolved and people have learned the system and you can have a capped monk in less than 2 weeks and have the best equipment and weapons with capped stats in a very minimal amount of time put into it. I could be wrong, but I just don't think this was the vision of KK and there are certainly many reasons for this, that couldn't be covered in just one thread.

    To get away from this, you need to create an environment that isn't static, or a environment that has no motion. The only aspect of WoW that I was borrowing was that they have created an always changing environment for their players and part of it is done by introducing new equipment, items, and ways for a player to customize their character. I feel that Neocron could benefit from some of these ideas. I'm not saying that you need to play 12 hours a day for 6 months to get these items like you do for some of them in other mmos, but hopefully with my example, some of you might have gained a better understanding of what I'm trying to get at. I apologize if my previous posts weren't on target to my point.
    u fucking w/me u fucking with a P.I.M.P

  7. #22
    I stay in the canyons
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    December 2003
    under a bridge


    Quote Originally Posted by giga191
    14 hours of searching for woc disk, my apu has 1.2 billion XP psi overcap but still do no disk. Think this counts as high level content
    saw ya there Btw i had a disk earlier on in a mob but died just when i was about to take it. That is if they look like tech parts? Do they? If that was a woc disk im pissed.

    KK... yer game is great but the highlevel hunting contest is either biased, unbalanced buggy or useless. Or a combination of all/most above.

    COMPLETELY REWORK MC5!! COMPLETELY RETHINK THE WOC CONCEPT!! FIX THAT MK II BOT!! Should i go on about how easy it is to get MC5s with a droner (without exploiting) and how useless everything except a wall hitting tank is there?

    As for going back to the topic...

    NO! sorry the idea is not actually bad but it would make me quit. I dont play nc to hunt all day. Even now i spend too much time woccing.

    Again fer KK: I would mind if wocs were hard to get but they are repetitive and ridiculous. I really had hopes this game wouldnt be one in which its ALL about powergaming repetiton and such (like WoW, EVE, Flyff etc.). I really dont want this game to be a CS type thing but I think this game invented way too many big timesinks when it became the marvellous nc2

    Half dont even work (ie. ItemT?) and half that apparently do are useless (ie. HN)<--- a temporarily made 20 hack dude with only fsm bought disks can get you all you need. BRILLIANT KK

    I wouldnt know how to run a game company but contentwise you guys are sitting ducks that can only dream of having a playerbase that is bulky and stable.
    Let hc PE's gun all 4x4 vechicle guns without drugs (make HC/melee PE's viable).
    Fix some chips (e.g moveon and marine).
    Put the noob stealth back to 10 sec (or give pe's another 10 sec stealth).
    Make more sense into the negatives on chips (they mostly don't make sense).
    Give PE's a better heal (e.g tl30ish)

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by bounty
    I'm not gonna try to see through the eyes of the developers minds here, but I've been here since the first day of beta4 and I feel I have some noteworthy insight.
    Then this puts us on relatively equal terms, experience-wise.

    To get away from this, you need to create an environment that isn't static, or a environment that has no motion. The only aspect of WoW that I was borrowing was that they have created an always changing environment for their players and part of it is done by introducing new equipment, items, and ways for a player to customize their character. I feel that Neocron could benefit from some of these ideas. I'm not saying that you need to play 12 hours a day for 6 months to get these items like you do for some of them in other mmos, but hopefully with my example, some of you might have gained a better understanding of what I'm trying to get at. I apologize if my previous posts weren't on target to my point.
    But here's the thing I've been trying to say: how will making "randomised" equipment effect the cookie cutter setups for longer than a couple of weeks? Neocron has a significant proportion of it's population focused on the PvP side of things; always looking for the "best" equipment, the optimum setup....etc, etc. Making equipment such as what you're suggesting won't have any real tangible effect, as once someone has found what works again, more people will be driven to find the same equipment and update accordingly in order to remain competitive.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not dumping on the idea that more equipment will negatively effect the game, I'm just challenging the view that it will break up the cookie cutter mentality.

  9. #24
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    NF, getting pwned.


    Cookie cuttering appears when there are a few set combinations of setups that provide optimum performance compared to other avenues.

    In order to stop it, you have to remove those paths that lead to the greater setups.
    One main way is to bring back (and enhance) the old skill system where the selection of imps and armour had a bigger effect on your offencive abilities.
    this we don't have now as it is so easy to cap weapons.
    Removing one stat cap could lead to serious issues, but reducing the ability to cap (whereby capping would only be attainable via 'gimping' or PPU assistance (providing PPUs are ever sorted)) would give people a better range of viable setups to choose from.
    For instance, there is maybe two judge setups (PA or non) that are really viable, or at least a decent shade better than the others, same with all other weapons and skill systems. It's so easy to cap the freq, even the previously 'high defence' setups could reduce their skilling considerably.

    Items will not end cookie cuttering, a skills reorg will.

  10. #25
    Registered User -=Jismo=-'s Avatar
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    they should bring back fh2 drops
    Was almost always the last man standing

    Jismo - PPU - 2002 - 2007

    Batman On Crack - Tank // Wiggie - PPU - since 2013

  11. #26


    the only thing KK should (i think) look into is LOOKS (char style)
    wider variety of models , equipement (anyone remembers the cigarretes that we were supposed to be able to put in our char's mouth ?? )
    and you MODEL should actually CHANGE when u put on different armor.
    say have a skin for i.e. titan armor that looks.... hmmm lets say black with a scorpion drawing on it. something like that.
    and different skins for rares that chooses itself randomly.like colors and skin modes, so ppl would still look for a CS but theyll look for THE CS.
    Your past record on the forums was quite poor but I'm willing to give you a second chance. As such your forum account has been re-opened for posting. Please try and stay within the forum rules this time around or your posting rights will be revoked again.


    Neocron Support Team
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  12. #27
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    September 2004
    As stated above


    But they have had cigarettes for pes since start of NC2.
    It's just that people don't notice since all pes tend to pull their lower lips over them........

  13. #28
    Norfolk 'n' Clue LTA's Avatar
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    Nottingham, UK


    Need a constant stream of content for everyone, every patch should be something for EVERYONE, thats pvpers, pvmers, hunters, farmers, rpers etc even if only a little thing ere n there at least something to make them think yeh cool least they thought about my class my pride n joy aswell and not just the spy or pe.

    It pissed me of being a tank and every patch is like monk gets sex +1, pe mega sex +1 tank sweet fa again etc.
    There's no epic storyline no major goal of nc all it is everytime is cap and pvp... why pvp when the outposts are shit zones of pure fre lag so instead u gank... people who dont know what to do yet gettin ganked then quit.

    Things like Rokkware, adding new clothes in the patch, that alone would be addin diverisity every patch, imagine you check the patch notes and see some hot new threads your gettin straight down there.
    Whats it to add a new mob to a zone or a few to a few zones, some low lev ones and then high end ones, providing content for both lines, newbs and capped.

    Cookie Cutter will always be there... you just have to make the Cutter options so wide scaled its hard to notice it weather its through different coloured pa, someone having a advanced long grinded rare or someone having leet mob hunting setups.
    I think Neocron fails largely on that it ONLY seems focussed for pvp other mmos are largely successfull because usually there's something for EVERYONE not just the fraggers.

  14. #29
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    NF, getting pwned.


    You will never stop cookie cuttering entirely, but it can be a lot better than it is now.

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Dragon
    I don't have to like the way a game is played to enjoy it's artwork.

    There's a whole slew of Warcraft related material out there which isn't World of Warcraft, such as the Pen and Paper Roleplay Game, the RTS series and so on.
    every noob is going to come on the forum, see your avatar, stop playing the game because they feel that NC is hypocritical because of their no more elves campaign, then go on a long weekend to count badgers in northern spain

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