Thread: NC & WoW prices

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  1. #16
    Account not active yet
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    sort of how i feel

    im also thinking about it because i feel more like a mmorpg then a CS shooter (which is unfortunetly what NC has become) and am actually looking for pvp that isnt so on the edge of my seat like NC.

  2. #17


    plus WoW doesn't have PPUs
    (they have shamans )

  3. #18
    Account not active yet
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    this time IM playing whichever class is overpowered

    seeing as everyone does it here

  4. #19
    Fairly odd
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesterthegreat
    i like my games to invoile skill... not just timing your "press 2 now for an attack"

    in nc i have to move, watch my buffs, constantly aim, watch for ppu's especially, shoot, reload, db, heal and god knows what else.

    in WoW i clicked a monster, clicked attack, then watched it die. occasionally pressing 2 to unleash my uber leet atack.

    theres no adrenaline... theres no rush...
    Bingo, i played the new free linage 37X XP server for a short period, granted i only got to like lvl 30 or something but it didnt do it for me.
    Played SWG fora 14 day period and couldnt find n e 1 overt to even die to :s
    Retired, but still wanting to return!!
    Ishtar Pilot

  5. #20
    Registered User ZoVoS's Avatar
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    to be fair we have a nice community under the surface off asshats, to be fair its the most RP'ing comunity in any game u could find, we are all total twats to strangers, shoot em and laugh, but for our friends we would give rares re buff and die repeatidly for just to save there sorry asses, u may not see this as RP but teh comunity is actualy great

    like the emails say at teh start of the game, chose ur friends carefuly, and u wont realy survive long if u dont have any =]

    enjoy WoW, in reality the did make a great game, sohuld say it suks cos i wuv neocron but i played it my self, it is good, u cant say the pvp is a no brainer, ye u dont need lightnin fast reaction times like in nc but u need just asmany tactics, like who needs anti buff and where the nib buff goes lol, in point and click its less about reactions more about tactical fighting
    Quote Originally Posted by Bugs Gunny
    "omg you noobkilling griefer drom, you've got overpowered runspeed with your 4 legs"

  6. #21


    eprodigy; I can't say PPUs are overpowered.
    I can however tell you my nc1 PPU was more "overpowered" than my nc2 PPU.
    shelters already had a silence nerf but noone ever really noticed.
    I noticed.
    I play PPU for 3 years now, in the era where hybrids ruled the sectors (like before the DS/psi core nerf) I had a hybrid. Hybrids then were overpowered.
    Hybrids now are a joke compared to the original hybrids.

    PPU is not overpowered if you look at the current (Terra) situation.
    zerg everywhere. if you wanna see something overpowered look at FF.
    Their PPUs suck 1 by 1, all of em. but the way they use a PPU can be called overpowered. I bet they use 8 PPUs just to paraspam people (this is with 2 damagedealers). Tho as soon as they get antibuffed they zone down. "overpowered"? yes. good/godlike/untouchable? hell no.

    Overpowered is another word for saying "They rox I sux but I don't want to admit it."
    there is no such thing as overpowered. it all depends on your own skill and the other person's skill.

    Yeah I know Shaman in WoW is overpowered. And I'm gonna play it. I don't care what people think of Shamans or being overpowered.

    it's the so-called overpowered classes that get all the nerfs.
    any idea how hard it is to get nerfed every patch? tweaking your setup every patch?
    damn boy, be glad you play an "underpowered" class

  7. #22
    Superhero! Capt. Rik's Avatar
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    Just have to say that i love WoW and since i hit lvl 60 i've enjoyed it even more.

    The new battlegrounds that were patched in recently are awesome - 40 vs 40 on a massive map trying to capture and hold objectives whilst killing players and bosses is totally nuts - hours can easily pass when you get involved.

    Or you can sign up for the 10 vs 10 capture the flag. Games take about 30-60 minutes and are great fun as well

    Probably 50% of the games total horde players play shamans but they are cool and if it gets more numbers onto the vastly outnumbered horde then i'm cool with that.

    I run my own guild of 60+ members and i'm in with a group of people who raid dungeons together regularly. We're going to try the end-game content (Molten Core) this weekend and are gearing up to fight some of the big nasty bosses (Onyxia, Kazzak etc...)
    Quote Originally Posted by Bugs Gunny
    (About Monks)
    So come watch an op war and marvel at the wizardry and Merlinesque scenes of our post apocalyptic world, where medieval wizards rule the world.

  8. #23


    I heard BAD ASS and Skuld talk about Molton Core (or whatever).
    Didn't know what it was but I'll soon find out myself
    I'm gonna join their guild for sure, as they are the only people I know.
    Being in Europe, though, and them in the USA, is bad. I'd have to play during the evening/nights if I wanna play with them.
    Ah well.. Guess I can level solo.. always leveled solo in NC... shouldn't be that hard after I'm familiar with all the mobs/items/rpos etc.

  9. #24


    molten core ...
    no need to do that high lvl instance if u pvp all the time ...

    u get the best equipment if u kill ppl all day long.

  10. #25


    lol Eric I didn't know u play WoW

  11. #26


    expensive...i know for a month its 15 US not like NC is about 12 US. but heh i might go bacm soon too =P
    BTW in wow you dont level, you quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest, hey look im level 60!

  12. #27


    My guild hardly has any shamans at all and i really don't see that many out there vs other classes, the most i see is rogues.

    Leveling solo is ok and the way i play most times, But, you should find a guild to play with who can help you out when you want or need it. Some stuff in the game is impossible to do without a group. Right now i have a lot of elite mission that i will hardly get exp for because i like to solo so much but still can't complete on my own because the mobs are so strong.

    Also i disagree highly with jester and others who say all you do is click and hit buttons, pvp and playing in a group of any sort is not often like that. And if you get real picky clicking and hitting buttons is all you do in any game. But there can be a boredom factor in fighting the average mob out in the world over and over. Go into a dungeon or fight a real player and it is a whole different story.

    I've played both alliance and horde and it may just be the servers i choose but alliance always seems to be total zergs when it comes to fights and always ganking lowbies. Not that horde doesn't do it as well just seems not as often.

    Sides Horde has kewler dance moves and that all that matters!

  13. #28
    Banned User Jesterthegreat's Avatar
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    as i said... i think its the best of that type of game.

    best of luck to ya mate. i dont think you will enjoy the lack of rush... but you gotta try it for yourself i guess

  14. #29
    Banned User
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    Trust me, the rush is there. It just doesnt stay for long.

    Like NC, I use to get the shakes (we all know what that is.) when I'd be running through PP and get layed into with a CS, turn round and 'ave a go at him. After maybe 6 months that disappeared.

    and WoW's high end content is enjoyable, Battlegrounds is fun, as is the Alterac Valley etc. and being able to do things like Onyxia in huge groups is always refreshing. PvP is fun, PvM is... fun in groups.

    I may be moving to Daggerspine to reunite with an old NC1 friend (Dr. Aeon) as Al'Akir seems to have a lack of people who want to PvP, especially on the Alliance side.

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Jesterthegreat
    most of NCAT play on a US server, i think its rick (AliG) who plays on the europeon servers.

    personally i played it for a while and i can see why its considered best of its genre... its a damn good turn based, click and wait game... but its still turn based click and wait.

    i like my games to invoile skill... not just timing your "press 2 now for an attack"

    in nc i have to move, watch my buffs, constantly aim, watch for ppu's especially, shoot, reload, db, heal and god knows what else.

    in WoW i clicked a monster, clicked attack, then watched it die. occasionally pressing 2 to unleash my uber leet atack.

    theres no adrenaline... theres no rush...
    The problem is you are comparing wow PvE to NC PvP. Try pressing attack and watching a player die...tell me how that goes. You will get rolled. There is no clicking and waiting in level 60 pvp. Your post is like someone on the wow forums who played NC to /5 talking about how all you do is kill rats in neocron.

    I am not a fan of people talking out thier ass about games they know little to nothing about....whether it be a neocron n00b saying the whole game is based on killing rats, or a wow n00b saying that all you have to do is click and wait for the monster/player to die. That works well until about..hrmm..level 3?

    Both neocron and wow have thier ups and downs, its all about what you would rather play. Neocron is more pvp based, ill give you that, and because obtaining rares is so easy its all about skill vs skill. In world of warcraft, someone who plays 70+ hours a week and has epic gear out the wazoo will dummy someone who just hit 60 and has green matter how good that guy plays. On the other hand, the tactics involved in wow pvp (especially in ctf) is 500 times more advanced then anything in neocron. PvE in wow is even moreso advanced, killing a 127/127 mob in neocron is a joke. Killing onyxia or ragnoros in wow takes 40 people, everyone doing the exact right thing with a wicked strategy. No pve encounter in nc takes anywhere NEAR the skill to complete then onyxia/rag in wow.

    Its all about what you want more, FPS skill (whoever can aim better) or strategy skill (whoever can outthink/strategize). Both are skills, neither is better then the other. Its preference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesterthegreat
    as i said... i think its the best of that type of game.

    best of luck to ya mate. i dont think you will enjoy the lack of rush... but you gotta try it for yourself i guess
    Do you know what 60v60 pvp is like in wow? How can you say there is a lack of rush when you have no idea? Again, this is like a player who tried NC for 5 minutes saying there is a lack of rush because he didn't enjoy killing sewer rats. Come on...
    Last edited by Lusion; 29-06-05 at 22:51.

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