1. #1
    Genetically Enhanced Tank naimex's Avatar
    Join Date
    December 2002

    Default Party... outfit...

    Ok sortry for any speelling mistakes... still very drunk. but the party has sort of died out... its now 7 am, meaning weve been drinking and smoking for the last 18 hours... sp im pretty wasted..

    I am currently looking like a fairy...

    since some very nice girls suddenly attacked me whilst i was handcuffed behind my back with a collar around my neck with all sorts of make up.

    lots of images have been taken and i am referred to as Pippi, since they thought I looked like her when they made my hair..

    I am quite sure this will be disturbing for the rewst of my life.. but atleast i was handcuffed to several beautifull ladies most of the evening.

    Oh and just so you know... when you walk handcuffed through town, into restaurants and shops.. people point, stare and laugh....

    once i learn how to open the door to the batthroom, since its kinda weird stuck and jammed and so on, i will attempt to remove this unholy mask i have been put in..

    the temperature is about 1 degree celcius, and the ladies are wet... from beverages amongst other things...

    So thatīs the status. Enjoy your day....

  2. #2


    sounds a bit like my 18th lol, tho mine had more strip poker and less make up

    sounds like fun lol

    tho tonight was a little shittay...i think ive lost rhe ability to get bladdered....i was drinking from like 9 to 1 and felt sober as a judge, had an argument with my girlfriend, tried to sleep on the couch, couldnt, i am now floating between NC, FOM and DC whilst drinking vodka and ribena coz i ran out of cola...
    Stercus Accidit

  3. #3
    Registered User aelfkins's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2002


    LOL. Congrats on your departure from the vanilla.
    I can't belive that they pay me to do what I do.

  4. #4


    Sounds like a pretty fucked up night

    Congratulations on the best drunken post ive seen on this forum, lol, Bravo!

  5. #5


    moved to appropriate(?) forum

  6. #6


    Actually it was quite understandable...dare I say more than his usual sober posts lol.

    Glad you had a blast mate.

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