1. #121
    Registered User Talra's Avatar
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    WHAHAHA are you kidding??? 1st of september??? later all im gonna play.. something else.. that is just... ridiculous
    Light is evil..
    Light brings vision to those you do not wish to see...
    Light unveils the protection given by darkness...
    Why do we still want it close to us??
    Without light we would probably get run over by a truck ^_^

  2. #122
    Registered User GT_Rince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
    Why? Because you're screaming to be singled out with your bold yellow letters and the most abusive language in this thread.
    Martin - read the other threads. There are others EQUALLY as bad as mine with the same language - please point this out to them as well - THIS is why I feel like I am being singled out...
    Tetasau - Rifle Spy
    Rincey - Tank

  3. #123
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    are we going to get new patches in the meantime, MJS? are we expected to pay approx 50 USD for 6 months while we get nothing for our money? AND THEN pay another 20+ USD for the "expansion" ?

  4. #124
    Registered User Celt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
    Why? Because you're screaming to be singled out with your bold yellow letters and the most abusive language in this thread.

    Anyway, the release of NC:BDoY has been pushed from Q2 to Q3 because it will take us a little longer to finish the product. The answer is as simple is that. No conspiracy, no lying, no betrayal.

    Again: the current release date has been agreed between 10T and KK a couple of days ago and is definitely fixed. 10T's PR activities will be targeted at that release date so we definitely cannot afford to blow this deadline.
    Why was the release date of Q1 2003, Q3 2003, Q1 2004, Q2 2004 and Q3 2004 missed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oath
    I'll fear when i find your naked Droner Body and violate it

  5. #125
    Registered User GT_Rince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celt
    Why was the release date of Q1 2003, Q3 2003, Q1 2004, Q2 2004 and Q3 2004 missed?
    You know none of us will receive an answer to that - just put it down to publishers...
    Tetasau - Rifle Spy
    Rincey - Tank

  6. #126
    Sailor Moon > You Lexxuk's Avatar
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    Martin, no offence, but KK/CDV blew the initial retail "deadline" why should any of us believe that the "deadline" for BDOY will be any different?

    You've claimed that 400,000 copies of NC were sold (more than frontier elite, and almost as much as The Sims Online), yet we have seen no investment.

    We have gone from NC being a free download many months ago, to being a paid game with set criteria, to the criteria being changed again, then the date changed again.

    We are/were your client base, your bread and butter, the people that could make or break Neocron, and yes, DOY will make or break Neocron, but you've already alienated a *lot* of your client base, who will not wait around for BDOY.

    I truly hope you have not put all your eggs into the DOY basket, because I cannot see DOY being anything more than a complete failiure.

    Anna - lexx if you dont get that out of your sig im never talking to you again, and you know i mean that

  7. #127
    plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy
    much appreciated. REMOVE TEH PARA

  8. #128
    Got dorf?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
    Anyway, the release of NC:BDoY has been pushed from Q2 to Q3 because it will take us a little longer to finish the product. The answer is as simple is that. No conspiracy, no lying, no betrayal.
    How do you intend to support neocron in the meantime? Are we going to have huge yawning gaps between patches, no hit fixes, and patch-by-brick-wall to fix exploits? Or is there actually going to be some reason to pay for my accounts in the intervening period?
    Aka Solitaire / Tinks / Rawne

  9. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Dancer
    IIRC Odin stated that "personally" he would like the drug to give a preventative effect for a minor duration.

    I think, that was a while ago I think after the terminator event.
    I would like to see it and it's on my 'bitch' list so to speak.

  10. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by Lexxuk
    You've claimed that 400,000 copies of NC were sold.
    Completely false. A news site reported that in error and has already been stated as such.

  11. #131
    Got dorf?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin
    I would like to see it and it's on my 'bitch' list so to speak.
    *MrChumble DIES OF SHOCK

    Odin says something that doesn't make me want to kill him! Omigod!
    Aka Solitaire / Tinks / Rawne

  12. #132
    Neocron Vet. DARK_Overfiend's Avatar
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    i wanna BETA TEST it

  13. #133


    Can i see proof of this? and whats a bitch list? you mean a 'hi this is my list of stuff that makes people quit and tell us to fuck off' list? ....one thing? Why was it boosted if its on your bitch list? Why has it been ingame and ruining the game for over a year now....why do you fail to realise? am i getting on your nerves? good. Its the bitchers that get things done around here.

  14. #134
    Registered User
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    January 2004

    Default Get a grip people

    Some people really do need to start getting a grip of their attitudes here.

    I'll take my time and break this down:

    This is a computer game, stop acting like your girlfriend just told you she's been sleeping with your father.

    Companies are not ran solely by the man in charge. Companies have investors, publishers, distributors, public relations and otherwise to deal with. All of these groups hold a say in what is done and how, and whilst it might be very indirect, they all matter.

    It's a long chain, a very long chain.. To clear the board for agreement to produce or advance something, to then get it done, to get it passed and agreed as final, to set up a release and distribution system, to get it released and then distributed, and advertised.

    Take into account the one thousand other small groups that have sway in the matter, like a main coder being taken ill for four weeks, and it all matters.

    So yes, release dates have come and gone, so what? It's time people, time. If you are willing to waste all of your time on a computer, and treat it more importantly than the real world around you, then you have issues. I'm not saying we deserve to be lied to, but I think lying is far too strong a word. Who can say that what was said back when, wasn't the truth back then!?

    Honestly, the world today, it's a big, bad, scary place, and people can't always keep promises. Even to paying customers. Look at all these massive corporations in the United Kingdom that have suddenly realised and admitted.. "Hey, we can't pay your pension, you're going to be several thousand pounds short... Oopsie.. My bad.."

    What goes up must come down, right?

    So do what I did... Take a while out, go play some old games that you enjoyed years ago, or invest in a few new ones. Your character will still be there, it'll still be waiting for your return.

    Don't complain about the cost of the game either, the monthly fee is the cheapest I have ever come across, it really is. A six month booking is pennies. No excuses for not being able to afford it either, go wash ten cars at a pound or a dollar a piece and you have your one months fee.

    (Things don't come for free in this world you know, remember how the internet used to be free once? Hah.)

    Besides, what would you rather have? A rushed, unfinished, half-arsed, "Doesn't have everything we wanted it to, so Tokyo expansion will have it", one coder died and we had to get a monkey to do it, just releasing it to shut you up Dome of York...

    Or would you rather have...

    "Hey, we're sorry we let you down, trust me, it hurt us too, but here ya go, as best as we could do, lets hope it works well!" Dome of York?

    Hmmm... Let me think...

    I don't understand why people seem to think that they have to sit here and wait for it to be released, logging on to bordeom and routine every day. I don't know why people think they're being forced to sit there and wait for this to come round, paying money for a game they apparently no longer play.

    I don't understand why so many people seem morally offended at the way Reakktor have worked this whole situation. They are a company, and you'd be surprised, how little companies actually get involved in their products.

    The way it works online however, is that because it's 'instant' it's more demanded for customer relations. Go buy a kettle. See that phone number for customer services? That's your whack.

    Strange... That kettle cost me the same as a months fee of Neocron, but oh my god!! Look at what I GET FOR MY MONEY!!

    I get HelpDesk, I get in-game Moderators, I get a Community Forum, I get all this and so much more yet it costs SO MUCH MORE THAN A KETTLE!

    So people really should put things into the vast perspective of the world.

    (Before anyone jumps on that as a poor comparison, perhaps, but it puts the point across. Buy a £2000 projection television. You still get just that phone number and a warranty.)

    So what are we expecting from Reakktor here? The spilling of blood? The sacrificing of a first-born?

    When you compare Neocron to some of the other MMO's out there, and I have played many, there are none yet which caught my imagination nor my attention like Neocron did. From Eve to Shadowbane, they all suck the mighty.

    Oh, I will never compare Neocron to DAOC or Everquest, you need to get the membership numbers as the comparison, as naturally the above two have much higher funding available, for simply really, being older games.

    So what do I suggest as the solution to those that are reacting like their house has just been burgled and their pet goldfish stolen?

    Take a break from the game. Go hit cancel on your account, and come back when DoY is released this September.

    I really, really, really like chocolate fudgecake.
    I wont eat every cake in the damn shop though.

    (For those that can't work well with those sort of metaphors, too much of a good thing is bad for you, or don't ruin a good thing by over-doing it.)

    So take a chill pill, go get a breath of fresh air, and from someone that has seen the workload of the people behind the scenes at Reakktor, lay off them.

    I'm just about to reactivate my account, I'm going to get my old tank character sorted and tidied, play for a month, make sure he's ready for DOme of York and what it may bring, cancel again, then come back for Dome of York.

    A sound plan, one that a few of you might want to try and follow, as you're all obviously becoming far too worked up about this to be good for you.

    Right now, someone has just died.
    Right now, a woman has been sexually assaulted.
    Right now, a father has just beat his child causing serious internal damage.
    Right now, someone has just been run over in the street.
    Right now, a house is being broken into.
    Right now, someone has died from a drugs overdose.
    Right now, several dozen people have just died from AIDS in Africa.

    It is only a game.

    There are other priorities that we should be spending our energies on.
    " Another good example as to why the Internet is a bad place, you can't reach out and smack the tards. "
    AKA Wolfsbane, one time NeMa Editor circa: 2005 and Tangent Rep.

  15. #135
    Registered User Darth Slayer's Avatar
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    I think I can wait 2 more months for the new release date.
    I would suggest that people who are obviously getting heated up about this log off and go and chill for a while.
    Oh yes mays well jump on the bandwagon.......REMOVE PARA FFS.....
    EDIT.........What the above poster just said read it it makes alot of sense.
    Last edited by Darth Slayer; 14-04-04 at 00:17.

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