1. #1

    Default Can someone translate this post from MJS?

    I tried to use some free translator but it made it just wayyyy to confusing.

    It came from this thread here http://neocron2.jafc.de/showthread.p...13#post1141613

    Sounds like its new info about DoY.


    Also wir meinen, dass es nicht schaden kann, mehr Verantwortung in die Haende der Spieler zu legen.

    Support-Chars (Droner, PPUs), die sich durch die no-Safe-zones Situation bedroht fuehlen, sollten sich halt ein paar Bodyguards (z.B. CityMercs?) anheuern, die sie gegen all zu plumpe Ueberfaelle schuetzen. Dafuer kann ein Droner, wenn er z.B. ein sicheres Versteck in einer Zone erreicht hat, auch einen ziemlich hohen Schaden mit seinen Dronen anrichten.

    Die ganze Massnahme entspricht voll und ganz der Philosophie des Spieles und haette eigentlich schon von Anfang an so eingefuehrt werden muessen... aber erst mit der Einfuehrung von DoY, welches einen Gegenpol zu Neocron darstellt, macht es Sinn die SafeZones aufzuheben.

    Es wird sicherlich in beide Richtungen deutlich mehr passieren. Zum Einen wird es mehr PvP geben und zum anderen wird es auch das Organisationstalent der Runner fordern, sich sicher durch die Staedte zu bewegen.

    Es wird in Neocron CopBots geben (aber nicht flaechendeckend), fuer die DoY'ler KOS sind, aber das gleiche wird es in DoY umgekehrt auch geben.

    Man wird als DoY'ler trotzdem noch die Chance haben, sich in Neocron einzuschleichen (und ebenfalls umgekehrt), denn wer es noch nicht weiss, dem erzaehle ich hier gerne noch einmal, dass es auch noch andere Eingaenge zur City of Neocron gibt, als das Haupttor.

    Der Canyon und TH werden nicht die Hauptsitze der Fraktionen TG und FA bleiben. Die Verwaltungszentralen dieser beiden Fraktionen werden in DoY liegen, waehrend der Canyon und Tech Haven in Zukunft so eine Art "Fraktions Outpost" werden. Ob diese von anderen Fraktionen uebernommen werden koennen ist noch nicht endgueltig geklaert.

    Military Base wird nur im inneren Kern eine safe zone, da die Basis ja auch viel groesser ist, als ein normales HQ.

    Prinzipiell finde ich, dass die Schliessung der Safe-Zones enorm zur Atmosphaere des Spieles beitragen wird. Combat ist ein Element des Spieles und wem das nicht passt, der sollte dafuer sorgen, dass er die GeneReps in den HQs aktiviert hat, denn dann kann er von SafeZone zu SafeZone reisen, ohne sich irgendwelcher Gefahr auszusetzen (oder er kann nach wie vor den LE drin lassen). Letzteres bietet sich dann z.B. auch fuer Diplomaten an.

    Hey, wir bauen nur die Welt... was Ihr draus macht, koennen wir nicht beeinflussen. Aber Kommunikation und Organisation des Personenschutzes wird Pfeffer ins Spiel bringen.

    Originally posted by Babes
    Leveling Gen-Tank CON will just be like jacking off...every tank will sneak off to there appartment to do it but will never admit it.

  2. #2


    Here is what it bascily says, minus a few details. (sorry kk if I got it wrong.)

    We want to give more responsibility to the players with the removal of safezones. You will have to be especially carefull walking around Neocron, because ultimately there will be much more PVP. BDoy will be able to access Neocron via one of the many entrances. Copbots will protect you by attacking hostiles but they won't blanket you from damage like they previously did in safezones. Of course the same thing applies Visa Versa.

    The Twilight Guardian Canyon, and Teck Haven will no longer be the central headquarters for TG and FA, but instead will probabally serve as an faction outpost. Both factions will be relocated to the inner city of DOY.

    I (martin) think that the closing of the safe-zones will contribute enormously to the atmosphere of the game.

    could anybody else expand on what it means?
    Last edited by Benjie; 06-01-04 at 08:01.

  3. #3


    Babelfish = bad mmkay?
    Originally posted by Babes
    Leveling Gen-Tank CON will just be like jacking off...every tank will sneak off to there appartment to do it but will never admit it.

  4. #4
    Registered User Tycho C's Avatar
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    I understand it. Hes talking about the removal of safe zones. His motives eh ?

    I think he's right, bye bye safe zones.

  5. #5


    Sounds like safe zones are gonna be taken out and security uped, making LE's more tempting for some, and raiding NC is gonna take more thought, and FA and TG are moving to doy, leaving TH and the Canyon really big OP's.....and MB is the only safe zone I think thats basically what it's saying......

  6. #6
    Registered User Drake6k's Avatar
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    It kinda sounds like all HQs are going to get genreps and become safezones.
    Bad Dragon
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  7. #7
    ..._-]|[-_... ZoneVortex's Avatar
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    oh hella dayyys no where to go afk oh nooo

  8. #8
    Registered User Marx's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ZoneVortex
    oh hella dayyys no where to go afk oh nooo
    faction HQ's and clubs man.

  9. #9


    Originally posted by Marx
    faction HQ's and clubs man.
    Would be awesome of clubs where full of people.

  10. #10
    [ banned user ] Spectra260's Avatar
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    this will hopefully put alot of people in the clubs...

    but i still think that there should be ONE safezone in plaza where EVERYONE (pro and anti city) can meet and tradeskill...

    that might go against the plans of neocron...but i dunno its hard enough to get a tradeskiller as it is

  11. #11
    Account not active yet REMUS's Avatar
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    sounds good to me, just wish they would keep us updated on a release date for doy because im determined not to reactivate untill then.

  12. #12
    Registered User Nash_Brigham's Avatar
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    Sounds like it will be fun.
    He's got a what?

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  13. #13


    Originally posted by Spectra260
    this will hopefully put alot of people in the clubs...

    but i still think that there should be ONE safezone in plaza where EVERYONE (pro and anti city) can meet and tradeskill...

    that might go against the plans of neocron...but i dunno its hard enough to get a tradeskiller as it is
    I think the safest tradeskill place for both city and anti city factions is actually going to be Pepper Park because it is the most neutral. What will likely happen is once you've made the deal you would meet up by the main sewer and just trade, you of course will probabally want to being a host of Body guards with you for protection.

    @ Martin Jörg Schwiezer, are the new publishers asking you to improve the graphics more than you had orrigionally planned? The reason I ask is because on your info thread, it sounded as if the new publisher had asked you to update the graphics more. So considering the Main Sewer is probabally going to be put into more use as an entry point with anti city factions, are you going to up the graphics on it? Just a thought.

  14. #14
    Banned User Psychoninja's Avatar
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    Originally posted by REMUS
    sounds good to me, just wish they would keep us updated on a release date for doy because im determined not to reactivate untill then.

    Tell me about it....
    Right now I'm looking forward to fomk and I'm actually thinking of trying out Planetside again. I'm downloading the 7day free trial. I'm just running out of stuff to do between now and DoY mainly because I don't know when it's going to be released. Most I can say atm is, I'm happy I got my third acct back and made a hacking pistol PE with it
    Catch a few afkers

  15. #15
    ..._-]|[-_... ZoneVortex's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Marx
    faction HQ's and clubs man.
    sweet lets get WASTED

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