If you're reading this it means you probably love NC. I've been playing on and off for the better part of a decade or more and every time I check to see whats going on in NC world I am utterly disappointed.

I am going to dish out an incredible amount of criticism towards NST with the hopes that perhaps they'll actually listen.

Here are some things that I would confidently say at least 80% of long time players would agree with. Hands down.

1. The games major bugs need to be fixed and those bugs are the reason MOST long time players no longer play or play sparingly. They include:
-Constant crashing
-Difficulty simply installing the game
-God Awful launcher
-So buggy that PvP is almost impossible
-Zone crashing/lag
-General game glitching/object issues

If Neocron were a paid game, with a real manager or owner, they would be prioritizing fixing these issues and not doing things like balancing and new content. I find it hard to believe that with 1)Better personnel 2)Better hardware 3)More time the vast majority of the major bugs couldn't be fixed. Period. I personally would be happy to contribute to a hardware fund to get new equipment as Im sure many other players would but really we'd like to see the game handed over to people who care and are qualified. On every level from player interaction to server maintenance and game management NST don't just fail but epicly.

2. Balancing
Honestly was the reason I haven't started playing again. Without getting into the details of how incredibly awful the last round of balancing was, it honestly has ruined the game. NST have no understanding of their own game mechanics and they blame any balancing complaints on the fact that players don' engage on PTS. (Most players cant get on PTS to begin with). Rhino's and VHC damage in general have been nerfed down to joke levels. A second love last time I checked shelled out more DPS than a rhino or dex glider. Thats stupid AF.

3. NST are the worst.
On every level of support and game management they are the epitome of awful. They are immature, lazy, uncaring, in-equipped, lacking necessary skills, lacking proper time to actually run the game server to the detriment of the players. NST is "clichey", have ridiculously high standards, and deflect almost ALL game issues elsewhere.

NST have a plethora of rebuttals in their arsenal.
1. They have real lives and little time to work on NC.
2. They don't get paid.
3. They can't get help/volunteers.
4. "It's the communities fault"
5. No one goes on test server

I personally would not be speaking out if these problems were inevitable or unable to be rectified but the fact of the matter is this simple statement: the poor state of Neocron is directly and nearly entirely the cause of NST. Period, hands down, cut the check and take it to the bank

So I ask NST, when will the excuses end? When will you take REAL steps to make this game "something" again? When will you admit that you are the problem?

To the players I ask, will you stand up and echo your frustrations, too, until change is made?

Their is no plausible reason that NST cannot find replacements for themselves to non-grumpy, experienced, motivated people. Clearly you hate the players and the game and your jobs so just give it up already! For the love of N.C. !