Firstly just want to say a big thank you to Bifrost for helping organise the event last week. Will be doing another this wednesday, as we had a good turnout! counted 23 people in total which was ace

so the rules again:
So the rules/Regulations:
1* : Anyone wanting to come to the event will meet up in Outzone Subway at 21:30 UK time
2* : GM's will pick teams ( to prevent people grouping up with friends)
3* : once in your team you will join the official discord channel to voice chat with your team
4* : Teams will then be told if they are attacking or defending first by the GM , If your defending you will be told what OP to GR into (which the UG will be unlocked)
5* : Attacking team will meet at OZ subway to gather vehicles to travel to the op, Bring rockets, AOE ect...
6* : Once dead GM will ress all once fight is finnished
7* : once fight is over we then reverse roles and defenders will then attack and attackers will defend

Hopefully get another good turnout this week
Cheers all