Hi gang. Figured I'd host another event for us.

This one is going to be a tag team tournament. Going to be pretty straightforward.

Date: 7/29
Time: 1400 PST (I think this should be 2100-2200 for our European players)


1) 100k NC entry fee per team

2) Fights will begin as a 1 on 1; both partners will stand outside of the designated combat area

3) Players may "tag" their partner in at any time; this will be done by running out of the combat area in close proximity to where your partner is. You may NOT simply step out of bounds wherever you choose to avoid death.

4) Players who are not "tagged in" may not heal, buff, debuff, damage, etc. You are simply a spectator until you are tagged in.

5) PPUs are banned

6) Hybrids are restricted to 1 per team. They also may not buff or heal their teammate at any time during the fight.

7) Self buffs must be cast after combat begins. This includes sidelined hybrids/PEs. You may only buff after you have entered the combat area and combat has begun

8) Fights will go until death. Best 2 out of 3 for the preliminary rounds, 3 out of 5 for the semi-finals and finals

9) The setup you start with must be the setup you end with. This includes weaponry, pa/holovests, etc.

10) Stealth tool is allowed. Do not abuse it.

11) I reserve the right to DQ anyone who comes up with a shady way to circumvent the rules. I obviously cannot come up with every loophole to be exploited.

John Crichton has been kind enough to offer his sponsorship of prizes yet again. I will talk to the GMs to see if we can get a shiny or two (like the new Rapture rifle) for the first place team.

1st and 2nd place will get prizes.