Posted in wrong area before.

Would be nice to get some clarification of what is the current priority…. As development seems to being going in a different direction from previous years. Logging into the game this year there is frequent crashes/ warping/ Resists are no longer as effective as they previously were. Creating a rock paper scissors scenario in certain setups. Maybe I am missing something huge…. but I don’t see that as development when core game stability has been negatively affected and it is now less stable than previous years. Any returning player that comes to check it out is immediately disenchanted when they are met with more bugs and issues now than if they were playing the game last year. Some of these issues have now been present since November 2016… So that’s already 7months passed and no fix for these problems. When you could fix the stability issues by rolling back to the patch state to a level where it was stable. Then you could patch these new changes you have created onto the test server for testing to iron out what is causing the issues. Then moving with a stable build to retail when you have solved these.
