1. Make it possible for all characters to drive vehicles, all characters to gun vehicles. Lower requirements dramatically or make a ‘vehicle’ armor or someway make it possible for all classes to drive.
2. Air vehicles should fly like drones. ‘Shift’ and ‘control’ for up and down.
3. When people sync out in an air vehicle, they should ‘parachute’ down, but in any event, why should a ‘glitch’ kill them. Or, make them log back into the vehicle if they log back in within 1 min. Falling out a vehicle should be prevented at all costs.
4. Vehicles crashing due to ‘zone crashes’ or ‘long syncs’. This is an old bug, be great if vehicles were more reliable and thus more often used.
5. V3 rhinos are a joke. Just try to kill something with them. V3 rhinos should be ‘accurate’ and similar accuracy to a doom beamer. They are not.
6. Interacting with vehicles that are any more than a single seat is cumbersome currently. How about changing vehicles when the owner interacts with it they are auto placed in the driver seat (or highest number seat they are able to use; driver / gunner / passenger 1 / passenger 2 / etc). I think there should then be key bind options to change seats without getting out (e.g. 1 - 10 as quick belt is disabled when in a vehicle). Finally I'd build upon the lock seats function to include "open all / open team" options vehicle so other players can interact and auto be placed in the highest free seat without having to ask for permission. (From Josh Cooper)
7. Add a cabinet on the back of bigger vehicles to store that will only store ammo or recyclables? Saves people waddling about with a shit ton of ammo that's useless when not in the vehicle. If your vehicle blows up… it can either be lost or dropped.