Just thinking of a few GUI improvement suggestions.

Toggle filter on the skill window to show base skills rather than modified skills - i.e. skills before implants etc

Make the G.R. window resizable, similar to GoGo and Chat window. This would allow users to make use of font.ini to set RPOS text larger, and then re-size the GR window to fit all locations. Currently, if you set it above 10pt font, some locations fall out of the bottom of the GR menu and can't be selected.

Update the maps to make them a little more friendly. Thinking specifically innercity - add a bit of text to the sector map to advise which zone a corridor leads onto. Would make traversing the Outzone a little easier.

Perhaps a reference to GUI commands in the help section - or add them as options. Things like turning off headbob and changing the RPoS colour are available to players via text commands - tie them into buttons to save remembering the combinations.

Look at adding a colourblind mode.

Someone else mentioned this before - a second skill bar would be amazeballs. Sorry - can't remember who suggested this originally, but it needed seconding.

Change the clock in the top-left to give the option for local time. I don't believe anyone uses in-game time for anything.

Missions window - more info/guidance would be nice. Have part of it show you the mission title and a brief overview (Kill 5 LCs) and the other half have any conversation text that is associated with the mission - this makes reviewing convos on things like Epic missions a bit easier. Also - if it's a 'kill 5 of these' mission, have it count down, in case you miss it in the chat window.

Preset buttons on the processor, which saves things the player puts in there. So say, I could have one preset that saves the fact there's a CST tool in there, and a second that saves a REC tool. Allow 3-5 different presets. If I click on 1, it puts the CST into the processor. If I click 2, it puts the REC tool in there instead.

There's a little space above the Sector name in the Location box in the top-left. Put in there whether a location is Secure/Hacknet etc - could help newer players quickly check where they are more safe.

Add a button for kicking people from the team.

Add sound options to the options menu. It would be nice to reduce volume in-game if I wanna quickly watch a video on my other monitor.

Right click menu - update to add a Direct Message feature (in addition to the hypercon DM option).