Hi guys,

I just thought I would give a massive shoutout to all the guys working on the Neocron Support Team for all the work you guys have been doing, keep up the excellent work guys.

I don't think people thank you guys enough for everything that's been on behind the scenes and also on the forums diagnosing issues and fixing bugs, but all so the chats you have with the community on the forums about ideas.

As I said keep up the good work and would be nice to see a lot more of you guys in game showing support, showing people that we as a community have a strong work force and most of all a strong support team working day and night for our entertainment. So yeah you guys should drop by now and then and hang about with the runners, maybe do some OP fights like you did on livestream.

P.S Keep the livestream going as much as possible, looks great!

Thanks again guys, much love!
