
When I try to get in the game from the character selection I am getting error about not correct login key (whatever that mean because I am using the correct login).

Here is the error log :
@PWORLDHOST Connect to -1571357804, 12000
Exception created WORLDCLIENT : Connection failed : WorldClient: Connection rejected by nethost : Login key not correct!

@WRefCnt < 0, Resource Name gfx\items\items3.dds
@WRefCnt < 0, Resource Name gfx\rposv3\rpos_implants1.bmp
@PWORLDHOST Connect to -1571357804, 12000
Exception created WORLDCLIENT : Connection failed : WorldClient: Connection rejected by nethost : Login key not correct!

@WRefCnt < 0, Resource Name gfx\rposv3\rpos_implants1.bmp
@WResource still referenced on program exit, 2 refs, Resource Name .\gfx\rpos\npc_dialog.dds