I have a Bad Unlabeled Sunray Raygun pistol I picked up, my normal raygun is broken so I couldn't test it. TL 57, 54 Damage Energy, and my personal damage modifier on it is 74%, I did 43 / 54 / 64 (Blue) with it, three shot bursts. Essentially, if I've got 74% of my normal damage, if I had 100%, it should be about 72 damage. (The math is a little off, but if 54 is "75%" then dividing it by 3 should give what 25% would be, multiplying it by 4 should give me what my base damage would be.) So in theory, the damage should really be 57/72/85

Of course, this isn't precise math but that should help with estimating if this weapon is behaving the same way as the others, damage wise.