As some of you know, the THN has been missing in action since yesterday (6th April) since about 18:00. The box has been known to fall over now and again, as it's a small VPS box with 1gig of memory. This time, the box has fallen over, but the VPS control panel can't reboot it.

I've raised a ticket with hosting provider, but after 24 hours, they have not responded to my ticket which is... well just pick the right sort of insults you read on OOC chat.

It has been planned to move to a more powerful box for a while, so right now I've started provisioning a new box to move the THN.

So what does this mean. For now the THN will be offline for a little longer until the move is completed. I'm aiming try and get the move done by Sunday. Watch this space for updates, and feel free to fire any questions.