This is a general discussion about the Wisdom of Ceres (WoC) system as a whole that might be implemented regardless of current game assets, coding restrictions or previous game lore.

Let's split this down into a few sections - Game Lore, Attaining WoC and WoC implementation.

Game Lore

What exactly is WoC?
The Wisdom of Ceres Disks were a pre-war data repository that where rediscovered allowed the post-war tribes to reach a technological level in far shorter a peroid of time than normal. Given that by the game's own history, this knowledge has been added to and indeed surpassed, what is the 'Wisdom of Ceres' a character purportedly attains?
Currently your character simply gains more 'normal' xp and then talks to a monk that 'awakens' something in them that allows them to use a few guns and armour pieces.
An odd part is the disks themselves. Why do the monks need them and why are they in the labs to begin with? In the lore, the contents were made public after the Ceres Wars and in old PA mission, the contents where housed by CA. What are these labs for and who put them there. It's a haphazard and clearly rushed bandaid.

Is WoC simply a greater degree of experience/skill refinement or something else, Eg. the original Psi monks were arguably more powerful than they are now due to population dilution, so does almost anyone have unlocked abilities? Maybe that could simply extend to physical skills - given the technology of the game world (implants, the GR system, etc.), characters can experience and practice much more than we can in our lifetimes.
Should we even be calling it WoC at all?

Attaining WoC

Following on from what WoC is, we than come to how that is then expressed as the mechanism for activating it on your character.
As mentioned above, the odd disk system only adds grind or expense on top of the existing grind.

How about an epic-style mission that explores what WoC (or whatever we call it) is and how your character goes about learning what it is and how to use it?
Keep the secret club Ceres monk side of things, make it a personal journey of discovery or a wider known degree of experience.

Then, as with the other thread, we have the debate over XP requirements.

WoC implementation

Currently WoC is a item requirement, limited to weapons and PAs. There is a lot more you can do with that system as there are more item types and as many new items as you can think of.
But if we're thinking outside of the box, what else could it do?

Many RPGs (as in, most of those I can name), on top of their base stats and skills have specific abilities; DnD has a multitude of additional skills, like Quivering Palm and Whirlwind, Fallout and Skyrim have Perks, etc.
Could WoC be something similar?
Each time a WoC level is gained, you get a point to spend on a WoC skill.
Item Use - Each point spent allows the use of WoC items of equal or lower WoC requirement (current system).
Thunder Thighs - Half jump height, half fall dmg?
Dual Wield - Purely cosmetic or longer clip and longer reload?
Glass Cannon - Permanent -20 HLT and +20 ATH/AGL?
And so on.

Do we also have to have separate WoC levels for each main stat? Why not gain a point/level at a sum total of xp to be spent where we like (with possible class/main- and/or sub-skill reqs)?

Get thinking!