Hello fellow runners,

As you may have noticed, you can't use the /set kill_self 1 in the PTS. As this will move to retail, this mean that we cannot perma drug, then run to our PPU friend and suicide at his feets to remove the 10minutes eye cancer debuff.

This mean that drugging will have a huge impact on gameplay and drastically slow down the pace, because it will imply two things:
-either you are out of combat for 10minutes
-either you get a friend to kill you next to PPU = it's like /ariki but involve one more character

Top that with the fact drugs also have negatives buff and you might think that it's such a pita that people won't use it anymore.
Yet I think people will still use them. Why ? Because players will always seek the maximum power output even tho it cost them to suicide or wait 10min after a fight. It will make it even more of a pain but people will still use them.

So what I'm I suggesting here ?
-A bonus to your stats for the duration.
-Followed by a bigger debuff after the drug effect, lasting for the same duration.
-Reduce the duration of all drugs from 180/300/600s to 60/180/300s. So it's more of a temporal booster that you can trigger in a fight than a real long buff.
-Removal of screen flickering/Eye cancer thingie.


X-Beast: +3 STR +20 HC +15 WPL (300s)
Followed by: -15 HLT -15 ATH (300s)
Temporal boost to DPS at cost of effective defense

Resist Potion Fire: +25 FIR (60s)
Followed by: -40 PCR (60s)
Temporal boost to fire resist at cost of piercing

Blue Fairy: +10 CST +10 RES +10 IMP (180s)
Followed by: -30 TRA (180s)


Current: Drug = long buff then eye cancer = can't play need suicide or afk coffee/tea
Suggestion: Drug = shorter buff then big debuff = no eye cancer, no need sepuku