Okay, so following my earlier experience with the Drone profession, I decided to venture forth into the virtual world within the virtual world of Neocron, the Hack Net.

Well, to be fair I didn't get long to actually explore around the Hack Net portion of the game before the bug I encountered pretty much kicked neutralized my character. First impressions of Hack Net however were....Green. Lot's of green. In various shades. And empty. Lacking anything with which to interact or see beyond walkways and lifts and a white column of light which, after I got down to gave me an area code fragment. I don't as yet know the purpose of said fragment but I took it none the less and made my way back up.

After jumping into several other Plaza Sec Login locations and seeing pretty much the same empty void of nothingness I tried hacking a Gene Replicator station and wandered into another form of Hack Net, this one much the same as the previous, green, spacious and empty but containing gateways to other Hack Net zones which I popped into, finding nothing but more of the same. It wasn't until I rezoned into one area on my way back to where I started that suddenly the empty expanse filled with these floaty things.

Of course after some initial confusion and some investigation I found out these are the Hack Nets version of mobs (In this case I think they'd be classed as Defense Mobs for the City Administration, like the Cop Bots are) and that the previous zones I had been in had been bugged and not showing the mobs, leading me to the above assumption that Hack Net was just a mass of empty nothingness.

Anyway, I planned to continue my exploration of the now populated zones when I got hit by the bug I'm now reporting.

Bug Report
Aside from the previously mentioned bugged where the Hack Net lacked any population of mobs, which seemingly resolved itself, this one I feel won't resolve itself and needs mentioned because it tells me to mention it. This occurred following a short jump off a elevator/lift going down to a lower level, my game froze briefly then kicked to the log-in screen displaying the following message in CAPS which directed me to report it as I mentioned, so here we go:

Report This ASAP To The NST Staff! Unable To Handle Login Request: All Worlds Are Currently Down. Please Try Again Later! Active World: DOY/Hacknet/NC_Firewall_HSEC!

Now, following this, I've tried to log in several times, however my character seems to be in free-fall within the Hack Net area and drops straight down, which results in an immediate sync and a kick to the log in screen and a repeat display of the above message. Effectively, the character can no longer be used without, I'm guessing, GM intervention to port him to another zone as he just keeps falling and causing that message to appear.