I recently decided to give Neocron a go again. This game has been a part of my life, on and off anyway, since early 2001. Considering I was born in late 1986, that is quite literally nearly half my life.

The fact is though, ever since the migration to NC2, I haven't really been an active player. Sure, I pop in now and again (mostly to post a "Hey, what's up" in the Visiting Vets thread), but I never really stuck around, mostly owing to the fact that none of the people I played with back in the day played anymore either. Back in Neocron 1, I was in a few Fallen Angels clans (the only clan name I can really recall is "Resistance Breeds Revolution") and then several of us migrated to DRE and formed a clan called "Hostile Takeover" in the twilight hours of NC1, before the push into NC2.

Winter is a time of eternal boredom where I live, so I decided a few days ago to check up on things and maybe even re-download the game. To my surprise, I discovered that Terra, along with every character I had, was no more. This made me sad, but I also reluctantly recognized it for the opportunity it was: a chance to reacquaint myself with the game while having something to accomplish. To that end, I've leveled a tank up to roughly 37/35 in the past few days.

With that, I wouldn't mind catching up on everything that's happened since my last foray into Neocron. So, some questions:

- Last I really looked into things, KK was going belly up, Kirk was pondering the creation of a sort of shell-company called Nukklear in case KK declared bankrupcy, and they also announced something called "Neocron Reloaded." What all happened with that?

- Searching for Reakktor nowadays, I see they're developing Toxikk. Is that Reakktor at all connected with NC in its current form?

- Is Kirk Lenke still kind of the "head guy" when it comes to KK and Neocron?

- Why was Terra nixed?

- Last time I logged into Terra, there seemed to be a lot of Russian players that seemingly adopted the game, but they all seem to have gone now. Did something specific happen to that group, or did they simply get bored of the game?


- Is Warbot hunting for techs profitable anymore? If not, what's the best way?