Attention dear friends and foes,

This upcoming weekend we shall be hosting 2 events

One will be a non PVP scavenge type hunt, the next will be an all out death match comprising teams of four, however many teams join, they will all fight at the same time, the last team/member surviving will claim the honour of being the deathmatch champion/s! teams will comprise of one PPU per team and 3 fighters!

prizes for both events will have fat loot including things such as Woc discs, DOY mission cores to build your choice of either the IAR/SWAT guns, and pretty much anything else that the winners need, we can provide. Another rule will be no stealth tools so choose your chars wisely!

we're going for saturday the 8th 21:00 CET, but if there are enough votes to swap to sunday or a different time this can be arranged.

Please bring your A-game to both events, Neocron is a cold cold world and only the wisest and strongest shall prevail

further details and locations shall be posted mid week.

hopefully see you all there!