Hi there. Just found out about this game 2 days ago and personally cannot believe how awesome the game is. The last MMO I really played with a passion was Darkfall Online, and when that shut down myself and my group of friends began to search for another game that incorporated manual combat, open world PvP, and player looting.

I bumped into GM Baldur within the first few minutes of playing, and he showed me the ropes. Einem Hersteller generously made me a few swords, and today Turbonator helped me pwn some mutants that were far above my level. So I must say I am pleasantly surprised with the community so far and cannot wait to develop my character and start PvPing.

However, we're not just the type of sort to grief people and pk randomly, and no we're not the Call of Duty kiddie crowd either. DFO had a deep grind that we all took part in because we knew there was fun to be had (even though the DFO community the last year or so was only about 400 concurrent subs). What I mean to say is, we don't mind running around for an hour if we KNOW there's going to be some fighting.

I have a few questions about the game in general so I can relay some information to my buddies (as well as some personal questions for my own build in game )

1) Do people actively PvP? Population is not an issue here really, so long as the PvP is fun and happens semi-regularly (as stated earlier, DFO's population for the last year was far short of impressive)
2) How long does it take to become PvP viable? And is PvP very dependent on having a nice character with nice gear, or can you outplay someone with a superior character and superior gear?
3) Outside of PvPing and grinding your character, what other activities exist in Neocron?
4) Where the hell can I get a haircut in game?

Personal questions:
1) As a berserker, the character skill email only really advised teching into 4 skills (M-C, T-C, Athletics, and Agility). Do I just dump everything into those skills?
2) I found the Tech Haven Wiki and am curious, does it pay to push your stats beyond those values? What I mean here is, does the M-C skill actually affect your melee damage output? Or does upgrading the skill simply give you access to higher end weapons?
3) Armor; what's the meta here? Or are you free to pick and choose between light and heavy armor based on preference?

Thanks so much for reading and having me as part of the community. Haven't had this much fun in a long time. My ign is Brendan Murphy, and my Steam Id is bmurph101 if anyone wants to contact me there.

Also, an fyi, myself and my friends are all American/Canadian players, so our off hours are your primetime I think.