Perhaps this idea has come before and been shot to hell.. but honestly I would be more than happy to pay $10 for a fully capped character... lets face it the pve isn't where its at in neocron, its just a boring grind you need to do to get into pvp. I'm not saying remove all pve and don't give people the option, but I would be so happy if I could just buy fully capped characters so I could play other classes (and NO no selling weapons!).

They are doing it in WoW to help bring people in so theres precedence AND if we want neocron to live again one day it needs to be released on steam / advertised (obviously a while down the line when a lot of stuff is fixed), and honestly I feel if they do that and force people to grind the boring pve before they experience the most enjoyable aspect of the game for many, the pvp, people will overlook it, hell it might even be a good idea to give completely new players a pe with basic armour and perhaps a wyatt earp (I know I said no guns but if it helps new players experience the fun of pvp I'm fine with it).

Not all of this would work most likely.. and getting new players to give NC a fair chance and realise how awesome the pvp is wont be as simple as this sadly, but still getting back to my main point, it would be nice to be able to buy a full capped character to avoid the boring leveling grind while also funding the game.