Well, I read, hear enough about how best tank is...

When I started as PE with pistols in hands people said me: "you are nothing", "you should to LOM and be a droner to get WoC right now", "I will be glad to see you with 5 WoCs on pistols" (like this is impossible), "this world rules by tanks and ppus", "remove your char and be pistol-spy or better be a tank" and so on. If not everyday, but every week exactly.

You said me this again and again. And almost no one asked me why I have choosed pistol/PE. I like pistols. And pistol/tank is more useless due game design. I suppose I could create pistol/Spy, which is also good. But this is does not matter, because PE can handle with "best ^^TM" pistol, BHG-9. Yes, it will works just for 3 mins. This is enough for NF duel. But of course this is crapsetup. I know, I know.

But... xpertz cant understand me. Cant understand my choice. Cant respect my choice.

Most expertz leaved the game. And those who stays alive they have one OP per 2 months when position of stars in the sky is good. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz thinks that I ready to go on OP war against (or with) them. Right now. Solo. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz thinks that every newbie looking for PvP. Right now. While I have only TT epic pistol on torso, and my 56/60 rank says everything about my setup. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz forgot PvE. They said that pistol/PE cant farm parts. I sold you 70 unressed yesterday and I could sold today other 70. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz feels that they are xpertz when killed me on hunt and I'd less 50% hp. LOL.

And this is why you must be a tank. And I can continue their arguments. I collected them, for you.

Only solo-tank can farm rares.
Only solo-tank can farm mc5 rares.
Only solo-tank can farm DoY Tunnels.
Only solo-tank can farm Grave.
Only solo-tank can farm Woc discs.

Well, something above is untrue. But every tank want this to be true. They believe in this crap.

Xpertz thinks that NC is mmo-FPS. FPS. While many of them plays in 3d person view. Open wikipedia dumb tank and read what FPS means!

I am tired and you win. I wish no discuss this crap anymore. I wish no protect people choice and my own choice too. And if I will see any class, except a tank I will say him exactly the same that you said me: be a tank or leave a game.

I suppose this is that every newbie want to hear. You want more tanks? You will got them. Population will go up or will go down. But I know exactly in game will be more tanks. Your propaganda works perfectly.

Meanwhile I will stay with my pistols. With my PE. Yes, this class is nothing. Yes, this class is useless. And I like it.
