I think most of the people think that PPUs are annoying in fights. They are (really) hard to kill. They make the fight unfair on 2v2 and so on...
I have thought of something, but first I just want to remember that I play a PPU a lot and I like it.

SO ...

My simple idea is the next :
- nerf PPU shields (medium nerf for selfcast / small nerf for external cast)
- give the antibuff to APU again

This is what the result will end up to (in my thought) :
- PPUs will be killable by a team of attacker with no debuffer <-- current state is a PPU can survive to an OP team until next GR if he knows what he is doing (I often die to an OP team but last night, 3 PPU & 5 attackers were on me alone, I first clipped in the OP to get my life to 100% and then run to the GR and GRed out)
- PPU will have a smaller place in OPs teams (the ratio PPU per attacker will lower a bit ) (the number of attacker per PPU will grow )
- APUs would be used more than they are atm (and not be the kamikaze class it is right now)
- Debuff will be less needed to kill a target

Other consequenses :
- APUs will not be as needed in fight as people imagine since shields will get a little nerf (but APUs are not mean to be more needed than other classes)
- PvE could become harder : the shield nerf should only happen in PvP if possible

There are more consequences to this but it's a start.

What do you think of it ?