Heya all,

There is some issue since the last SL patch about the faction system:

Before patch, while creating a character, you'd start with -14 to ennemy faction and -10 to neutrals.
Slowly this would generate up until it would reach +10 to ennemy/neutral and +14 to allies, which would give an early possibility for runners to change faction.
They would run lowbies mission of any sort from Very easy up to +50 then switch faction.

The faction doesn't regenerate and stay at -14 and -10, which mean the newbs have to run TH mission (killing anarchy breeds) in order to grind up their faction.

It's kind of a trouble for TRADESKILLERS based characters like conster/resser/barter as they won't be able to kill anarchist.
Also it's a big issue for low lvl runners to actually run the changes.
Sure an old 10 years veteran will find his way to make the faction increase, yet a noob will be in trouble.

New character start with +10 neutral/ennemy and +14 to Allied faction right from the start.
Faction symp and SL auto regen until xx/10
Faction symp and SL auto regen until removal of LE

K that's all I wanted to say good luck :>