It was suggested to me that I write my own topic on this after writing the below in another thread. Feel free to comment away.

My vision below.

Soul light is removed from the game entirely;
Faction sympathy will play a bigger role;
Neutral factions are removed, either friendly or hostile;
Killing hostiles increases your faction sympathy (there will need to be thought out some stuff to prevent exploiting on this one of course);
Killing allies reduces your faction sympathy;
0 faction sympathy makes you Anarchy Breed;
Being Anarchy Breed makes you hostile to everyone, including other Anarchy Breed, further pro's and con's would have to be set up;
To rejoin a faction a lot of stuff needs to be done, so you can't simply exploit faction symp by killing hostiles to get back up or something;

Remove the entire SL system, let us focus on one thing and one thing only, faction sympathy. We are living in a post apocalyptic world, who cares about their souls, we just want to survive

Anarchy Breed could give the penalties negative SL currently gives inside the city. Outside the city they would have little problems. Putting this in place ensures that naughty people still have trouble in the city. Let's face it, I doubt COPBOTs can read people their souls to see if they have been naughty or not. They are not santa claus. However it does make sense that they can check tho which faction a player belongs. Scanning them and finding that they are Anarchy Breed would lead to the shit negative SL currently leads to.

Additionally I would love the LE to work only in designated zones, it would fit the above vision, however that will have to be left for another discussion.

Every Faction get's guards outside their offices. Hostile factions are KOS. Put some fighting back in Neocron.

Anarchy Breed is shot by everyone. Copbots, faction guards alike. Anarchy Breed will give the benefit that you can kill everyone as everyone is hostile, but you'll still have some problems maneuvering through the city as you have the old negative SL reductions (such as GR/app access in the city).

All Plaza & Viarosso zones are safezones. Weapons can't be drawn. All other zones can be fought in fully! I'm posting that here as I think it is a requirement if Soul Light is removed.

Clanned Trade Skillers and non LEd noobies will have the Plaza sectors to trade in without worries.

There will have to be something thought out for belt hacking/drops. This is currently based on SL level. This would have to be based on other stuff.

You guys should think of other names for Anarchy Breed.

Lone wolf

Another idea to think about:

Remove safe zones completely in the city. You can still draw weapons and fire them.

People that belong to a faction get a bonus buff that enables a city protective shield (god mode). So you can't harm eachother.

Anarchy Breed does not get this bonus buff and are attack-able. This puts control back in the players hand to defend the city from Anarchy Breed folk.