Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
I have no idea what you're posting today. Reptile brains? Endorphins? Overcompensating? Too much caffiene?
I'm with eNTi here. The absurdity is that Neocrons freedom of choice is praised all over the place and on the other hand people call for implementation of stronger rules and tighter controlled gameplay mechanics. And why? Becose people can't behave and know no reservation. They just fall for the most primitive instincts without realizing the damage this kind of behavior does.
There is a reason why you can't or won't do everything in RL that you could or would. The same applies to games with a social environment, whether Cyberpunk or not. Its just a game, but it works just the same way as real life. But people just prefer to do what they can, so we end up with a broken environment.