Quote Originally Posted by eNTi View Post
This on the other hand would flood the market with an influx of cheap high end weapons. already rarely used weapons would never see any form of usage any more. this would make the current balancing issues even worse.
No surely it would bring more balance as everyone would be using the same things as everyone would have plenty of access to everything. The trouble would be that it would lead the game in to a situation like in WoW that everyone looks the same and has all the same stuff because its 'Best'. This would of course allow the devs to tweek other weapons though until such time as people see a point in using these other weapons that they currently don't use. Though of course theorycrafters are a bit rare in this game, a few people work out optimal setups and things like. "If I have gun X in slot 1, gun Y in 2, and Z in 3. Then I can fire X number of shots and manually reload 2 of the 3 of them to maximise my damage on people and only have to stop for 1-2 seconds max. Rather than reload for 1.5seconds on each gun."