So gramps always said; if it’s not broke don’t fix it.

It would be fair to say it’s not broke but is in need of a tune up. (It is 12+yr old)

Currently when you take a mission from the terminal you chose the difficulty and the faction and sift through the missions until you find what you want to do.

This could be as quick as 1 second or as tedious as 80 seconds. Basically the trouble here is the missions are not organized. I seriously doubt ReKKtor said when building this NC. “Getting a mission in NC should be a mission all in its own; don’t make it easy”.

That being said; all we need is another category to choose from.

Players should first choose their faction.
Second their difficulty level.
Third their type of mission. (IE Research/Construct/Runner/Fighting/Discovery)

Say if a player chose Cran>Very Hard> Research.

They would see only missions for 150/140/130 Research. My idea also includes that their is only one mission of the same type so to prevent searching pages for the right mission. It would all pop up once and you choose.

Cran - Very Hard - Research Missions:
Research TL 150
Research TL 140
Research TL 130

This would eliminate lost time and encourage newbie players to use the terminal for missions. As it would be easier to navigate. I know many new players who refuse to use the terminal.

SO no flame but let the brain start talking.