When I think about what could make Neocron more awesome than it already is, and I definitely think it is awesome since no MMO since I left back in the day has ever had quite the effect on me like NC, then these are my top 5.
I have never been a conster/resser/hacker, so I have no idea what could be done to improve these (i don't even know if they could be improved other than maybe stated in Point 5).
I also don't know what can and what can't be done, so I will just post what I think and let you guys figure out what is reasonable and what isn't.

1. Balance:

The game needs changes to make certain builds viable again or make dedicated combat builds somehow equal in overall performance if skilled accordingly. Same thing for Weapon/Implant balance more on the weapon issue below. I know that a rebalance project is already underway, so I won’t say more about this.

2. Style over stats:

Cut off TL weapon stat influence above TL 100 to make all TL100+ weapons have the same baseline or make them all TL 115 or whatever. This would mean that all the “endgame” Gear has the same viability for top-end PvE/PvP in terms of Dmg/time.
It just seems crazy to me that when currently completing the DoY run for the Ceres Weapons it only makes sense to choose the AK since it has the highest TL and as far as I know TL is king – which sucks - especially in cases such as this.
I would rather see a shift in the direction of Modes or Styles of Play. For example if you want to deal aoe dmg like force (missile, grenade) or energy dmg (fusion, raygun) but if you want targeted burst dmg you choose one of the automatic weapons (which are effectively burst-fire weapons not fully automatics) but here you also have the option to choose between physical (Gatling/AR/SMG) or some sort of energy dmg (plasma/pulselaser).
Different tools for different jobs.
Same should apply to powered armor where you have like 3+ options which enable you to play a different style (mobility vs protection vs offense) or even more detailed with powered armors suited for different situations in terms of protection values.

3. Item Diversity and WoC Equality across Archetypes:

Increase the number of available WoC Items for classes/skills that currently lack viable/useful WoC Items.
For example:
-viable WoC PA for builds that currently don’t have them
-viable WoC weaponry for Monks and Tanks.
If they have to be “low tech” weapons what about a Grenade Machine Gun or LMG/HMG for the Tank and well, I honestly don’t know what it could be for Monks, probably more/other modules.

4. Improved GUI Functionality

I own a very big screen and it would be a big help to me, at least, if there were short-cuts to do certain things like hitting enter when asked for the amount of a stack to drag & drop or double-clicking an item in a corpse/container to automatically tell the game that I want to change the location of said item from where it currently is to the location that is opened as well (inv ->container etc).
If that is not possible, what about scalable UI-elements or bigger buttons on things like the appa window, stack-amount-selection, you name it.

5. Improved Player Models and High Res Textures:

Not much I can say about this other than more visual diversity regarding the player models/textures and world objects/Mobs/Structures would be awesome.