So Ive been playing a few months and already WOC'D a lot of characters and Im thinking when it was implemented it was not finished since everything is based around WOC 1 and theres pretty much nothing else.

My idea is not about adding more powerful weapons or armour and its not to discuss WOC weapons,

I would like to see WOC revamped and atleast try to attempt to give an item for each level and these items should not make the characters more powerful, I would like to see actual vendors for all WOC levels and with each you can buy different items and PA
for instance,

WOC 1 : Black + white PA

WOC 2 : Black + Gold PA

WOC 3 : Black + Blue PA + (Access to Faction WOC armour which may be different styles of PA with colours relating to the faction with certain patterns)

WOC 4 : Black + Red PA (badge with clan logo or faction logo) (Access to ornaments for app's)

WOC 5 : Gold + Black PA (with character name on the back) WOC Apartments with big open spaces and statues etc

Ofcourse this is only an idea and the colours I mentioned are just off the top of my head and I guess many of you will have better ideas and more so what does everyone else think?