I love Tech Haven but I've never seen it more irrelevant than it is now. What follows is a list of suggestions that I think will improve the relevance of not only Tech Haven, but also of the Military Base and the Canyon.

1. Starter apartments in Tech Haven. This cannot be said enough. I can't even fathom why the starter apartments for the Fallen Angels are in Neocron itself. It hurts just thinking about it.

2. Make an underground subway system that goes from Neocron to Tech Haven. This benefits everyone. Tech Haven is in the middle of the map. Low level runners trying to explore the wasteland cut a little bit of time off their hands. And if Fallen Angels want to run immediately to Neocron to level then they can do so.

3. New runners in the outposts can't survive without a system of tradeskill support. Give each outpost a sort of op bonus to friendly or neutral factions to encourage trade beyond Plaza 1. TH would grant +5 research, +5 construction. MB would get +10 repair. Canyon would get +10 recycle.

4. Remove the safe zone from Military Base. MB is an outpost and it should be treated as such. Because of the bunker there are already tons of people there. It doesn't need the added bonus of the safe zone to get people there. Plus, inside MB was where I got my first kill in Neocron over 10 years ago. I'd hate to rob anyone of an awesome memory like that.

5. Consolidate the trade channels (http://forum.neocron-game.com/showth...f-the-channels). If I am offering tradeskills in TH or MB right now then I'm going to be using the Neocron trade channel because that is the only one people don't have muted. By combining the channels you are increasingly the likelihood of trade beyond Plaza 1.

Combined these suggestions would bring trade outside of Plaza 1. It would bring PvP outside of Plaza 2. Everyone in Neocron benefits from a relevant Tech Haven.