Quote Originally Posted by braydagner View Post
The money problem is not solved by lessening the money from mobs. The money problem is solved by money sinks, especially at higher levels.

I have always liked the idea of uncapped GR fees. Also, owning an OP should cost money (helps to keep the map looking like it currently does, instead of 2 or 3 clans owning every OP).

Apartment rent? I don't want to leave for a month and come back and have to farm money to get back into my apartment.

I saw an idea of eliminating advanced ammo from being recycled. Yes and no, this is a good money sink, but pretty crappy when you are leveling and you have to run all the way back to a gogo for more ammo.

But to be quite honest, the economy is not nearly as bad as it was on Terra, for instance. Yes, there is a lot of money, but many things traded at higher levels use trades instead of money. Money becomes obsolete, and therefore having a lot of it doesn't matter (other than making a pretty sweet apartment). Think of new players, also. Think of how much it costs to make a new weapon. You take away kill rewards and new players are left with shitty starter weapons for a lot longer than they be.

What about adding a price for building rare weapons? Add a vendor where you have to buy the blueprint of the rare weapon (ranging in prices based on tech level and possibly how often the bp is purchased) and have the tech parts remain as the 'weapon parts'.

I'm not sure I like the idea of a fee to control OPs, but I would be in favor of high level GR fees increased fairly dramatically (say... 20k per gr at max distance). Furthermore, the GR discount to GR from an apartment should be removed.

I really like the cost component to build rares and things. The easiest way to implement this would likely be via a very expensive gel....