hi there,
Background story:

Lately i played my PSI-Monk as PPU and noticed the huge XP-difference between APU leveling and helping others as a PPU and try to get XP.
On the one hand, as an APU I get my team-XP and my own XP - pretty much normal-level speed and its fine and works as intended. But on the other hand, as a PPU, I just get the Team XP - so in fact, i do have a serious disadvantage, even if i help my teammates. I think the XP Distribution in this Case is very uneven and unfair.

To adjust that issue (imo), something came on my mind and i would like to present it to other minds to test it:
To avoid abuse and unfair advantages we cannot provide the PPU with a XP-Boost for a single Action (cast a Holy-Heal and get XP) it would lead to PPUs that cast group-heals on Plaza 1 and get XP for doing nothing effective.

How about we implement a system that provides the PPU with a passive team-XP-Boost only, if he is in a Team and have fulfilled certain-Skill Combinations?
As an Example:
I thought of a Team-XP-Bonus for a PPU between 1% to 60%. The PPU will get his fair amount of XP, but not as good XP, like a DMG-Dealer.

so in simple words and short description of my Idea:
If Passive-PSI-Use is below <=100 -> Team-XP 100%
If Passive-PSI-Use is over >=101 -> Team XP 102%
If Passive-PSI-Use is over >=102 -> Team XP 104%
---Breakpoint with declining effect---
If Passive-PSI-Use is over >=130 -> Team XP 150%
If Passive-PSI-Use is over >=131 -> Team XP 151%

If Passive-PSI-Use is over >=150 -> Team XP 180%
Team-XP-Boost is capped at 150PPU Base-Skill with a capped 180% Team-XP

So in a worst-case scenario a PPU who tries to abuse this will spend every Point on PPU - 553 on PPU will provide an TEAM-XP boost up to 180% with hardcap even if the PPU exceeds 150 base PPU.
To avoid, that a PPU will get more XP than an APU in a TEAM with doing no XP, we will let the XP-boost cut off at 180% and you will need skill 130 PPU to reach 160% TeamXP.
As a conclusion the biggest XP Bonus a PPU can get will be 100% +80% Team-XP. But he will be very much useless to his team and no one with an intact mind will let him stay in the team, if he can’t contribute to it or heal/shield his Team.
Moreover we could implement another barrier to prevent hybrid combinations abusing the PPU-TeamXP-Boost with this:
If APU is >=0 -> no additional Team-XP even if you have 101 PPU Base

As an Example, here is a similar PPU-PSI-Skillset that would benefit the most out of this system:
130PPU Base
99 Focus Base
and 53 PSI-Power Base
This would provide my PPU with a good baseskill set and give me an Team-XP Bonus of 60%.

That means:
A PPU will get a reward for skilling PPU (sadly not helping people as we cannot implement it due to game-mechanics) in a Team - he will still get less XP than an active APU/Runner who gets his 100% Team-XP and his 100% XP of the DMG he has done. But it will get more attractive to play a PPU and get rewarded for it as well as other players for killing stuff.

i encourage everybody to comment, like or criticize, correct, expand, shorten or totally destroy my idea with arguments – No Harm ment

More than 10 years of Neocron have past and I am still into it