I haven't noticed it for a long time (Guess I used the Heal Tool for long), but lately I have come across the problem that heal dots obstruct my vision - not for long, but it requires readjusting of the eye when it happens as it sometimes is a bright flash (though not as heavy as the fusion cannon ).
Since I like to play in First Person View, and I cannot stand Third Person view, heverything that handicaps First Person vs. Third Person tends to get on my nerves.
Like the fire effect for example (although I made a thread about that already:

So my wish would be, that the vision obstruction is removed, for example by puttin the rising dots at the back of the charater so you don't see them, with a few small ones that are also visible in First Person, but don't really obstruct the view.
Of course the other "solution" would be that no matter what view, you see the effects in your view.

If anyone knows of other effects that might obstruct the view in first person, please post them here too.
And possible solutions you can think of, of course.