as promised i was online the whole evening encounting a few number of the already mentioned bugs ...

somehow i landed in neofrag, some dude asked to get an implant i did exit to pp3 got implant tool from the weapon shop and entered back in the same way.

in the neofrag i tryed to imp the dude.... he said his processor said constructing.... but no progression showed
after a few mins later (and a few repoke trys with the message that the process was still going) we decided to leave neofrag...

out of the frag i had my whole quickslot belt filled with drones... no remote implant tool there
tho i did equip it in neofrag

outside i equiped it again and it worked like a miracle i ipmed him and we both were going back

strange is that i know the bug that shows wrong items... but that the dude got a construciton message not progressing is new to me... i obv. imped him wiht my drone!!!